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Lighthouse is a tool that helps you run probabilistic forecasts using Monte Carlo Simulations in a continuous and simple way. It connects to your Work Tracking Tool (currently Jira and Azure DevOps are supported) and will automatically update your team's Throughput and your project's forecasted delivery dates.

You can use it with a single team for doing manual "When" and "How Many" forecasts, as well as for tracking projects with one or multiple teams.

Lighthouse is provided free of charge as open-source software by LetPeopleWork. If you want to learn more about the tool, what we can offer you and your company, or just want to chat, please reach out.


You can find the documentation including how to download and get started in the dedicated documentation page:

Questions & Problems

If the Documentation is not answering your question, you can get support in our Slack Channel.


See our Contributions Page for more details on how you can contribute.

Build and Run from Sources

To build and run the sources locally, follow these instructions.

Lighthouse is built with Aspnet Core WebAPI as a backend and a React frontend.


Make sure that you have:


After cloning the sources, you find the Lighthouse.sln solution in the root folder. Open it in Visual Studio and you can build and run it locally. Once it's running, you can hit the endpoints at the exposed ports.


The frontend is using Vite as development server. After cloning, you find the folder Lighthouse.Frontend in your root directory. Inside this folder you find a node project. First install the dependencies:

npm install

After you have installed all the dependencies you can run the frontend in various ways.

Start Frontend Using Mock Data

If you want to simply see the UI and not connect to a live backend, you can start up vite using a mock data service using the following command:

npm run dev-demo

This can be useful if you want to adjust the UI without having to star the backend (for example if you are designing something or refactoring).

Start Frontend Connecting to Real Backend

If you want to test the end to end connection, you can run the following command:

npm run dev

This will run the frontend and set the backend url to VITE_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:5169/api as defined in the package.json file. If you run your backend on a different port, adjust this accordingly.

Run Tests

Tests are run using vitest, you can run all the tests using npm tests.