Begin by downloading and installing the Arduino IDE.
Select the green "Code" button on the page, and select the Download ZIP option from the dropdown.
Extract the folder, and open the .ino file using the Arduino IDE.
Next, you will want to download Google's Audio-to-Tactile library for Arduino.
Download the ZIP file from their GitHub, linked here.
Now, import the library in the Arduino IDE by navigating to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library.
Select the audio-to-tactile ZIP file to install the library.
Using the same steps as before, download the Adafruit SPIFlash ZIP file from GitHub, linked here.
Also download the Adafruit SdFat Library from GitHub, linked here
Then, import each library using the ZIP file in the same manner as before.
On the left sidebar of the Arduino IDE, select the Boards Manager tab.
Search for "Adafruit nRF52", and select install on the package.
Then, connect the board to the computer using a USB cable.
Hopefully, the board will now be available to select at near the top of the Arduino IDE.
If the board does not show, try removing the battery if there is one, make sure it is turned on, and hold the reset button while plugging it in.
Simply press the upload button at the top of the Arduino IDE (the arrow).
The Arduino IDE will output information about the compilation and upload.
If it is unsuccessful, try once more. If an error persists, it may require a closer look.
We hope this program helps you on your journey.
Please create an "issue" in the Issues tab of this GitHub repository if you would like to see something added.