Built with python, NumPy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, ploty, nltk, sklearn, pickle, streamlit.
Tools: Jupyter Notebook, Spyder, Docker, Heroku.
website - http://news-article-recommender.herokuapp.com/
AIM - recommend articles that best fit the user’s preferences
- created a web scraper with cypress to retrieve the story's details from the New Yorker website.
- Per day the program fetches 90 news articles and every other day it just appends the articles.
- I automated web scraping by building a CI/CD pipeline.
- I made this pipeline OS independent by using the cypress docker approach
- Employed the TF-IDF technique and Word2Vec word embeddings to recommned articles
- Word2Vec, the unsupervised model, did well in comparison.
- Deployed the app on Heroku and Docker