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Pipeline for generating similar looking strings. ⚡


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Sinoname Go Report Card

Sinoname is a highly customizable, flexible, extensible, out of the box ready, pipeline for generating similarly looking strings.


Sinoname's aim is to provide a flexible and straightforward api to generate similar looking usernames when the original username isn't available.

go get it:

go get

Code Examples

Example (2 Layers):

Sinoname configuration with 2 layers.




gen := sinoname.New(someConfig)

) // first layer.

) // second layer.

vals, _ := gen.Generate(context.Background(), "Lam.bel2006") // error ignored for example.

// Output:
// [2006LamBel 2006Lam_bel 2006Lam-bel LamBel2006s Lam_bel2006s Lam-bel2006s LamBel2006 Lam_bel2006 Lam-bel2006]


Show diagram_2layers

Example (Uniform Transformer):

This example will show the use case of the uniform transformer layer.

In a diverse pipeline with 3 layers there might be points in your pipeline where a bit more work will be done by some transformers. We will simulate this work with the timeoutTransformer:

type timeoutTransformer struct {
	add string
	d   time.Duration

func (t timeoutTransformer) Transform(ctx context.Context, val string) (string, error) {
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return "", ctx.Err()
	case <-time.After(t.d):
		return val + t.add, nil

The timeoutTransformer simulates a possible IO operation which might take some time, by sleeping for d seconds and the returning the initial message with the add value concatenated to it.

Now lets look at 2 possible sinoname configurations:


The code in both examples is the same, but for a subtle change. Where the second example uses gen.WithUniformTransformers() the first uses gen.WithTransformers(). Yet the change is small, the output is very different.

Example 1 (No Uniform Transformer Layer):

gen := sinoname.New(&sinoname.Config{
		MaxVals: 10, // set limit to 10 values.

gen.WithTransformers(sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop, newTimeoutTransformer("bar", 5*time.Second)) // Layer 1 (Normal)
gen.WithTransformers(sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop) // Layer 2
gen.WithTransformers(sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop) // Layer 3

vals, _ := gen.Generate(context.Background(), "foo")
// Output: (reproducible)
// [foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo]
// Time Taken: < 5 seconds

Example 2 (With Uniform Transformer Layer):

gen := sinoname.New(&sinoname.Config{
		MaxVals: 10, // set limit to 10 values.

gen.WithUniformTransformers(sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop, newTimeoutTransformer("bar", 5*time.Second)) // Layer 1 (Uniform Layer)
gen.WithTransformers(sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop) // Layer 2
gen.WithTransformers(sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop, sinoname.Noop) // Layer 3

vals, _ := gen.Generate(context.Background(), "foo")
// Output: (varies from run to run)
// [foobar foobar foobar foo foo foo foo foo foo foo]
// Time Taken: 5 seconds

By comparing the outputs, in the first example you will never get the values from the timeoutTransformer because the pipeline gets flooded with the much faster produced values from NoopTransformer.

When having very differently time paced transformers sticked in the same layer and only interested in the first N element (no point if you are going to wait for all the messages), consider using the UniformLayerTransformer


Example 1 (No Uniform Transformer Layer):

Example 2 (With Uniform Transformer Layer):



Transformers as described by the interface:

type Transformer interface {
	Transform(ctx context.Context, in string) (string, error)

Take in a string and return a modified string and an error, transformers are the building blocks of this pipeline. Above modifying the string thats coming in, the transformers need to validate the generated modified value against the config object they receive via:

type TransformerFactory func(cfg *Config) (Transformer, bool)

TransformerFactory is used to create transformers since no layer accepts the raw Transformer type, but only the TransformerFactory type.

The transformers must check the modified values against these cfg fields:

  • cfg.Source - check if the modified value is unique (see more details here)
  • cfg.MaxLen - check that the modified value isn't over cfg.MaxLen If the modified value doesn't meet one of these criteria the original value must be returned.

The context taken in provides contextual information about the current transaction via these methods. Also the context provides cancellation notifications to the transformers to return early and not stall the pipeline, these notifications should always (when possible and necessary) be respected. When the context is cancelled the error returned by the transformer must be non nil.


Transformers can return an errors, there are 3 scenarios possible:

  1. The error is nil: The message gets sent further down the pipeline
  2. The error is ErrSkip: The message gets skipped without shutting down the pipeline.
  3. The error isn't nil: The whole pipeline gets shutdown and no messages are received by the sink (context gets cancelled).

Stateful Transformers:

Stateful transformers are transformers which get re-initialized on each (*sinoname.Generator).Generate() call. They are so called "Stateful Transformers" because they are stateful in respect to each message sent through the pipeline. "Non Stateful Transformers" get re used for all (*sinoname.Generator).Generate() calls, therefor they have no state in respect to a particular message.

This is how to indicate whether a transformer is "stateful" or not:

type TransformerFactory func(cfg *Config) (Transformer, bool)

The returned bool value is used, if its truth is true the sinoname.Transformer is marked as "stateful" and a new copy of the sinoname.Transformer will be made on each (*sinoname.Generator).Generate() call. Else the sinoname.Transformer behaves as normal and the transformer value gets re-used on each new message through the pipeline.


Layers are simply put, containers which hold transformer functions. Their job is to take in messages -> distribute them to the transformer functions -> collect the modified values from the transformers -> pass them to the next layer.

In the same time layers have to listen for context cancellations and handle graceful closing.

type Layer interface {
	PumpOut(ctx context.Context, g *errgroup.Group, inBoundC <-chan string) (<-chan string, error)

A layer must exit when the inbound channel (inBoundC) gets closed or when the context gets cancelled. If the inbound channel gets closed, all the messages in the layer must be processed and sent before the layer exits. If the context gets cancelled the layer must exit as soon as possible whilst cleaning up all transformer go-routines.

Once the layer exits it must close its outbound channel to signal to the next layer in the pipeline to close, eventually this closing signal reaches the sink.

Sinoname has 2 sinoname.Layer implementations:

  • sinoname.TransformerLayer
  • sinoname.UniformTransformerLayer


This is the layer you will use most of the time since its the most simple and will cover most use-cases you will have.

To pair your transformers in this layer you need to use:

gen := sinoname.New(someConfig)

gen.WithTransformers(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4) // Transformer Layer with transformers: tr1, tr2, tr3 and tr4

The functionality of this layer is simple and can be described in 3 steps:

  1. The layer receives a message and distributes it to all its transformers.
  2. It runs all transformers in separate go routines via (*errgroup.Group).Go()
  3. It collects all the values from the transformer go-routines and sends each one to the next layer.


This layer is very similar to the former but buffers the return values in such a way that there is no faster or slower paced values. This layer must only be used when pairing slower with faster transformers in one layer and having a set (sinoname.Config).MaxLen.

Using this layer prevents the faster working transformers from flooding the pipeline with their faster paced messages and hitting the upper bound of (sinoname.Config).MaxLen without giving the slower paced messages a chance to reach the consumer.

To pair your transformers in this layer you need to use:

gen := sinoname.New(someConfig)

gen.WithUniformTransformers(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4) // Unfirom Transformer Layer with transformers: tr1, tr2, tr3 and tr4


The config struct is used to alter the behavior of sinoname.Generator.

It is passed to sinoname.New(), sinoname.LayerFactory and sinoname.TransformerFactory to create respectively sinoname.Generator, sinoname.Layer and sinoname.Transformer.

The base layer of sinoname is sinoname.Generator which holds all the layers (sinoname.Layer) of the pipeline which hold all the transformers (sinoname.Transformer).

Config Fields:

Field Type Description
MaxLen int MaxLen is used to set the max length of the returned values, it must be enforced by the transformers to make sure that they don't return values longer then MaxLen.
MaxVals int MaxVals is used to set the max number of returned values. The consumer reads up to MaxVals values.
PreventDefault bool PreventDefault prevents the default value from being read by the consumer.
Source sinoname.Source Source is used to validate if the products of the transformers are unique / valid.
SplitOn []string SplitOn is a slice of symbols used by the case transformers (camel case, kebab case, ...) to decide where to split the word up and add their specific separator.


sinoname.Source is an interface which must be implemented by the client. It is used by transformers to validate if their return value is unique.

type Source interface {
	Valid(context.Context, string) (bool, error)

The return values indicate if the message is valid ("unique"), if the bool truth value is true then the value is unique, if its false its not and the transformer must return the initial value. If the error isn't nil then the transformer must return the error and shutdown the pipeline.

Extending Sinoname:

Sinoname is very extensible by providing and accepting a variety of interfaces and being very simple.


Do you have a working sinoname.Transformer or sinoname.Layer which you could see being broadly used? If so:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your transformer branch (git checkout -b some-transformer)
  3. Test your feature
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Some Cool Layer')
  5. Push your code to the branch (git push origin some-new-transformer)
  6. Create a new pull request

Custom Transformers:

Creating a custom transformer is as simple as:

MyCustomTransformer implements sinoname.Transformer

type MyCustomTransformer struct {
    addSuffix string
    source sinoname.Source
    maxLen int

// add the suffix t.addSuffix to the incoming message.
func (t MyCustomTransformer) Transform(ctx context.Context, in string) (string, error) {
    // new message would be too long, return the initial message with nil error.
    if len(in) + len(t.addSuffix) > t.maxLen {
        return in, nil

    out := in + t.addSuffix

    ok, err := t.source.Valid(ctx, out)
    // source error, return it.
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    // invalid out value, return initial message.
    if !ok {
        return in, nil

    return out, nil

NewCustomTransformer returns a closure which of signature sinoname.TransformerFactory

func NewCustomTransformer(addSuffix string) sinoname.TransformerFactory {
    return func(cfg *sinoname.Config) (sinoname.Transformer, bool) {
        cstmTr := MyCustomTransformer{
            addSuffix: addSuffix,
            source: cfg.Source,
            maxLen: cfg.MaxLen,

        return cstmTr, false

Using the custom transformer

gen := sinoname.New(someConfig)


vals, _ := gen.Generate(context.Background(), "lam.bels")
// Output:
// [lam.bels_some_suffix, lam_bels, lam.bels]

Custom Layers:

Layers are similarly easy to implement (check transformer layer for simple implementation).

Lets build a logging layer:

LoggingLayer implement sinoname.Layer

type LoggingLayer struct {
    logger *log.Logger

// we ignore the error group since our layer cant produce any errors.
func (l *LoggingLayer) PumpOut(ctx context.Context, _ *errgroup.Group, in <-chan string) (<- chan string, error) {
    if l.logger == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("expected a logger but got nil")

    // channel on which we send messages out.
    outC := make(chan string)
    go func() {
        defer close(outC)

        for {
            select {
                case <-ctx.Done():
                    // ctx cancelled, exit

                case msg, ok := <-in:
                    // in channel cancelled, exit
                    if !ok {

                    logger.Printf("received message: %s\n", msg)

                    // pass the value to the next layer:
                    select {
                        case <-ctx.Done():
                        case outC <- msg:

    return outC, nil

NewLoggingLayer returns a closure which of signature sinoname.LayerFactory

func NewLoggingLayer(logger *log.Logger) sinoname.LayerFactory {
    // we don't use the config in this layer.
    return func(_ *Config) sinoname.Layer {
        return &LoggingLayer{logger}

Using the custom layer:

gen := sinoname.New(someConfig)

    NewLoggingLayer(log.New(os.Stdout, "sinoname:", 0))

gen.Generate(context.Background(), "lam.bels")
// Output:
// sinoname:lamb.bels


Pipeline for generating similar looking strings. ⚡







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