Thus, a total of 312 visits from 129 individuals spanning ages 8.1 to 28.9 years were included in initial statistical analyses
Mean growth curve for error processing (dACC during corrected error trials) indicates increases in the percentage of signal change with age.
script | desc |
01_roi_tsv.bash |
extract ROI statistics from voxelwise GLM |
02_clean.R |
rearrange roi stats |
file | desc |
ROImask_all.nii.gz |
18 rois: 2 is FEF-L; 18 is dACC |
roi_labels_cm-whereami.txt |
AFNI whereami labels of roi center of mass (RAI [not LPI] x,y,z coordinates) to confirm mask matches paper |
roistats.txt |
3dROIStats of deconvolved glm_hrf_coefs |
glm_allmeaures_long.csv |
roistats reshaped: rows for non-zero mean, stdev, and voxel count for each roi in each contract of each visit |
glm_means.csv |
roists: oon-zero mean only. columns for each contrast. rows for each visit and each roi |
notes/glm_href_coefs_example.log |
afni command history of an example glm_hrf_coefs file |