This repository provides a field deployed multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) based variable speed limit (VSL) control algorithm. At the core of this algorithm is a MARL-based policy, which was trained and tested in varying simulation environments. We have involved invalid action masking and several safety guards to ensure the real-world constraints. We also released a real-world traffic dataset including the state inputs and the generated control outputs from this MARL-based VSL algorithm during its deployment. We aim to promote the understanding of the MARL-based policy used in this work and to enable refined and smarter control algorithm in near future.
git clone
cd marl-vsl-controller
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate marlvsl
dataset/dataset.pkl contains the traffic data recorded by radar detection system (RDS) units along with the recorded control outputs from the deployed MARL-based VSL algorithm during the peak hour (5AM-10AM) of Monday, April 22, 2024, on Interstate 24 westbound. The dataset contains the following columns:
- time_index: An integer indicator to represent the time since 5AM. Each unit represents 30 seconds. For example, an integer of 10 represents 5:05AM.
- mm: Mile marker of the physical asset, i.e., the VSL controller.
- down_spd: One of the input states to the MARL-based policy, i.e., the raw downstream traffic speed.
- down_occ: One of the input states to the MARL-based policy, i.e., the raw downstream traffic occupancy.
- up_spd: One of the input states to the MARL-based policy, i.e., the raw upstream traffic speed.
- up_occ: One of the input states to the MARL-based policy, i.e., the raw upstream traffic occupancy.
- recorded_pre_action: One of the input states to the MARL-based policy, i.e., the raw speed limit selected from the preceding (downstream) VSL controller.
- recorded_policy_output: The control output (speed limit) generated purely by MARL-based policy.
- recorded_sm_correction: The corrected speed limit generated by speed-matching (SM) safety guard.
- recorded_max_correction: The corrected speed limit generated by max-speed-limit-correction (MSLC) safety guard.
- recorded_bounce_correction: The corrected speed limit generated by debounce safety guard.
- recorded_final_output: The final output generated by the control algorithm.
The control algorithm is summarized in To reproduce the generated final control outputs, please run python
. This file will extract all state input information first and then go through the RL policy and the subsequent safety guards. A new dataset with control outputs will be generated.