It can do static analysis it can find the code errors but can't do runtime analysis. Eg
fn main(){
let mut x: i8 = 10;
for i in 1..127 {
x += i;
println!("{}", x);
The above rust code Compiles but as we run the binary it panicks and does not execute
- First clone the Repo
git clone
- Then change into that directory and run cargo
cd Rust/
cargo run
This repo is for learning rust
Integer datatypes:-
unsigned :- u8,16,32,64 signed :- i8,16,32,64
Mutuable vs immutable variables
Variables in rust are immutable by default cant be changed
so "mut" is used to make them mutable
fn main(){
println!("Hello World!");
println!("The number stored in num is {}", num);
// this is for format printing like %d in C
String literal of two types &str and String
- Memory Allocation we use pointer to point to a memory address in C and initialize memory after the memory location is done we free(the address) so now there is a garbage value and the pointer is pointing to it An example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
int *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(ptr == NULL){
printf("Memory allocation failed.\n");
return 1;
printf("Value stored in allocated memory: %d\n", *ptr);
// Assign the memory
*ptr = 10;
printf("Value stored in allocated memory: %d\n", *ptr);
// freed the pointer
// the memory is freed but the pointer is still in use and can be accessed
printf("Trying to access freed memory: %d\n", *ptr);
return 0;
In Rust, format specifiers are used with macros like println!
, format!
, and write!
to control the output of various data types. Here are the most common format specifiers:
Specifier | Meaning |
{} |
Display (uses std::fmt::Display trait). For user-facing output. |
{:?} |
Debug (uses std::fmt::Debug trait). For debug formatting. |
{:#?} |
Pretty Debug. Outputs Debug with pretty printing, for multi-line and indented structures. |
{:x} |
Lowercase hexadecimal. For formatting numbers in base 16 (hex). |
{:X} |
Uppercase hexadecimal. Same as above, but uppercase letters for hex digits. |
{:o} |
Octal. Formats numbers in base 8. |
{:b} |
Binary. Formats numbers in base 2. |
{:p} |
Pointer. Formats a pointer address. |
{:e} |
Lowercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.234e+3). |
{:E} |
Uppercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.234E+3). |
Specifier | Meaning |
{:} |
Default. Uses Display or Debug , depending on the type. |
{:0width} |
Pad with zeros to ensure at least width characters. |
{:width} |
Sets the minimum width for the output. Pads with spaces by default. |
{:.*} |
Precision. Specify precision as an argument in println! . Example: println!("{:.2}", 3.14159) prints 3.14 . |
{:+} |
Include sign for both positive and negative numbers. |
{: } |
Leaves a leading space for positive numbers, but shows a minus sign for negative numbers. |
{:-} |
Left-align the output (the default is right-align). |
{:#} |
"Alternate" form for numbers, adding prefixes for hex (0x ), octal (0o ), or binary (0b ). Example: println!("{:#x}", 42) prints 0x2a . |
Specifier | Meaning |
{:e} |
Lowercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.2e-3 ). |
{:E} |
Uppercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.2E-3 ). |
{:.*} |
Precision specifier. Example: println!("{:.2}", 3.14159) prints 3.14 . |
{:width} |
Minimum field width. |
{:+} |
Print the sign for both positive and negative numbers. |
Specifier | Meaning |
{:} |
Default string display. |
{:.*} |
Precision for string length. Example: println!("{:.5}", "Hello, world!") prints Hello . |
{:width} |
Minimum field width. Pads with spaces if the string is shorter than the width. |
{:>width} |
Right-align text. |
{:<width} |
Left-align text. |
{:^width} |
Center-align text. |
Specifier | Meaning |
{:p} |
Prints the memory address of a reference or raw pointer. Example: println!("{:p}", &my_var) prints the memory address of my_var . |
Specifier | Meaning |
\\ |
Prints a backslash (\ ). |
{{ |
Prints a literal { . |
}} |
Prints a literal } . |
- Argument Reordering: You can specify the argument index explicitly:
println!("{0} {1} {0}", "a", "b")
printsa b a
. - Named Arguments: You can name arguments:
println!("{value}", value = 42)
. - Width/Precision as Arguments: You can pass width and precision dynamically:
println!("{:.1$}", 1.2345, 2)
(precision = 2).
- Implement the
traits for your custom types to control how they are formatted with{}
For more information, refer to the official Rust documentation on formatting.
Stack :- Works with fixed size data, size of mem allocated is known to compiler, it allocates and deallocates automatically and its fast
Heap :- Works with dynamic size data, memory allocated dynamically at runtime, does allocation and deallocation automatically but slow
- Each value in rust has a variable called its owner
- there can be only one owner at a time
- when owner goes out of scope the value is dropped.
let x: u8 = 2;
let y: u8 = x;
// Memory is copied from x to y
let s1: String = String::from("Helloo");
let s2: String = s1;
// Memory is not copied due to heap allocation of String datatype
// s1 is the owner of hello
// when we do s2 = s1 there is transfer of ownership
// and the new owner is s2
Another example of ownership transfer
fn main(){
let x: String = String::from("Hello");
process_str(x); // As this function is called the ownership transfers to item in the parameter and the next print statement giver error
println!("The value of x in main is {}", x);
fn process_str(item: String){
println!("The value in the function process_str is {}", item); // hello - new owner is item
We can pass the refrence of a variable which is called borrowing
fn main(){
let str1: String = String::from("Hello");
let len: usize = calculate_len(&str1);
// The & is the refrence of str1 which is borrowing it for calculate_len function call
println!("The size of {} is {}", str1, len)
fn calculate_len(item: String)-> usize{
return item.len();
If there is one mutable refrence being taken then the compiler doesnt allow no more refrences either it be mutable or immutable
when we pass the refrence & we can only read no write to the variable as long as we pass mut variable
let mut s1: String = String::from("Hello ");
append_str(&mut s1);
fn append_str(s1:&mut String){
this will let us borrow the memory and then also modify it
In rust when we create a refrence to a pointer like let x_ref = &x the refrence x_ref is essentialy a wrapper around the memory address unlike a raw pointer which directly holds the memory address, a refrence holds the metadata about the refrence.
Refrence in rust behave similar to pointers in other languages with additional metadata and safety checks . this allows direct mem access with memory safety.
Char is always 4 bytes in size can represent emoji, ASCII and eveything in utf-8
It is a dynamic array with different size and elements can be pushed and poped on it so Its a heap based data type so the rules of ownership apply on it
Look in the docs
The main is a tic tac toe game