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Excel-importer is a PHP library that enables to easy import EXCEL formats data and event parse it to objects.


You can install it with composer like so:

composer require kcze/excel-importer


Creating simple EXCEL data import

First you need to create Import class that extends Kczer\ExcelImporter\AbstractExcelImporter.

For version >= 3.0:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\AbstractExcelImporter;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\Configuration\ExcelCellConfiguration;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\IntegerExcelCell;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\StringExcelCell;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\Exception\ExcelCellConfiguration\UnexpectedExcelCellClassException;

class MySimpleExcelImporter extends AbstractExcelImporter
    protected function configureExcelCells(): void
            ->addExcelCell(StringExcelCell::class, 'Cell header name', 'A', false)
            ->addExcelCell(IntegerExcelCell::class, 'Another header name', 'B');
    public function processParsedData(): void
        // Since 3.1, you can pass callback as first argument to this function to modify the message
        // Separator is now the second parameter
        $excelRow->getMergedErrorMessage(static function(string $message): string {
            //Do something with the message
        // The rest is same as before 3.0

For version < 3.0


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\AbstractExcelImporter;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\Configuration\ExcelCellConfiguration;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\IntegerExcelCell;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\StringExcelCell;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\Exception\ExcelCellConfiguration\UnexpectedExcelCellClassException;

class MySimpleExcelImporter extends AbstractExcelImporter

     * @return ExcelCellConfiguration[]
    protected function getExcelCellConfigurations(): array
        // This method returns row configuration for Your import.
        // Keys are column keys (can be int indexed but it's not reccommended).
            Values are configurations that needs to be pased AbstractExcelClass
            extending class names, column names, and (optinoally) 
            tell if cell is required (with default to true).
        return [
            'A' => new ExcelCellConfiguration(StringExcelCell::class, 'Cell header name', false),
            'B' => new ExcelCellConfiguration(IntegerExcelCell::class, 'Another header name'),

    public function processParsedData(): void
        $this->hasErrors(); // Check if any validation error occurred
        // We can do something with Data. 
        // Gets an array of ExcelRow objects
        $excelRows = $this->getExcelRows(); 
        foreach ($excelRows as $excelRow) {
            // The same as above for one row
            // Gets merged messages from all cells for current row by separator given in argument (default ' | ')
            // Gets an array of ExcelCells (the same as configured in getExcelCellConfigurations())
            $excelCells = $excelRow->getExcelCells(); 
            // Gets value of current row 'A' cell
            // Gets int-parsed value of current row 'B' cell
            // Gets string representation of value ready to dispaly (the same value as given in EXCEL file for predefined ExcelCells)

⚠️ Since version 3.0 int column keys are no longer supported.

Then using the service:


use My\SampleNamespace\MySimpleExcelImporter;

$importer = new MySimpleExcelImporter();

// Second parameter tells whether to omit first row, or not (with default to true)
$importer->parseExcelData('some/file/path/excelFile.xlsx', true);

⚠️ Since version 3.0 importer always omits first row.

All methods shown in processParsedData() are public and therefore can be accessed from outside the service. As You could see in Configuration above there StringExcelCell and IntegerExcelCell classes used. These classes are used to perform proper parsing and validations on EXCEL cell values. You can crate Your own ExcelCell classes- more info below.

Predefined ExcelCell classes:

  • StringExcelCell - Simple string values with no validation of data. getValue() returns string.
  • IntegerExcelCell - Accepts only valid ints. getValue() returns int.
  • FloatExcelCell - Accepts only valid numbers. getValue() return float.
  • BoolExcelCell - Accepts 'y', 'yes', 't', 'tak', 't', 'true' (case insensitive) as true. Other values are considered false. getValue() returns bool.
  • DateTimeExcelCell - Accepts all strings acceptable by DateTime class constructor. getValue() returns DataTime object
  • AbstractDictionaryExcelCell - Abstract class useful for key-value types example below
  • AbstractMultipleDictionaryExcelCell - Abstract class that can merge a couple of AbstractDictionaryCell dictionaries into one

Congratulations! You created your first simple EXCEL import class. Although, there is a better and faster way of doing imports with Excel-importer.

Mapping EXCEL data to objects

In previous example import resulted in array of ExcelRow objects, but if we wanted map out EXCEL data to some model object? Let's assume that we have some PHP object named SomeModel. We can import it by extending Kczer\ExcelImporter\AbstractModelExcelImporter:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\AbstractModelExcelImporter;

class SomeModelImporter extends AbstractModelExcelImporter

     * @inheritDoc
    public function processParsedData(): void
        // Gets array of SomeModel objects
        // Note that models are created ONLY if $this->hasErrors() return false

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function getImportModelClass(): string
        return SomeModel::class;// Our model class 

It's almost ready. To make it work we need to do one more step of setup. In our SomeModel class:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use DateTime;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\Annotation\ExcelColumn;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\StringExcelCell;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\IntegerExcelCell;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\DateTimeExcelCell;

class SomeModel
     * @ExcelColumn(cellName="Name", targetExcelCellClass=StringExcelCell::class, columnKey="A")
     * @var string 
    private $name;

     * @ExcelColumn(cellName="Code", targetExcelCellClass=IntegerExcelCell::class, columnKey="B")
     * @var int 
    private $code;
     * @ExcelColumn(cellName="Some date", targetExcelCellClass=DateTimeExcelCell::class, columnKey="C", required=false)
     * @var  ?DateTime
    private $someDate;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function setName(string $name): void
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getCode(): int
        return $this->code;

    public function setCode(int $code): void
        $this->code = $code;

    public function getSomeDate(): ?DateTime
        return $this->someDate;

    public function setSomeDate(?DateTime $someDate): void
        $this->someDate = $someDate;

The most important thing in code below is ExcelColumn annotation class, that tells the importer everything about our model data type, name, column key (again, key column can be omitted, and then properties order is taken, but it's not considered) and cell obligatory. These two classes is everything you need to do. Excel importer will do the rest and create Your model instances for You.


Dictionary EXCEL cells are used to define "range" of values, that cell can have. It's perfect when cell value can be for example id of some resource from database. Sample DictionaryExcelCell class:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\AbstractDictionaryExcelCell;

class SampleDictionaryExcelCell extends AbstractDictionaryExcelCell

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function getDictionary(): array
       return [
           1 => new User('user 1'),
           2 => new User('user 2'),
           3 => new User('user 3'),
           4 => new User('user 4'),

Now, we could just add this class to Import configuration of to ExcelColumn annotation, and excel-importer will accept only values from range 1-4 and getValue will return User objects.


Let's say that one column can contain either value from one dictionary or from another. MultipleDictionaryExcelCell is a perfect tool for such situation:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\AbstractMultipleDictionaryExcelCell;

class SampleMultidictionaryExcelCell extends AbstractMultipleDictionaryExcelCell

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getSubDictionaryExcelCellClasses(): array
        return [

Now, excel-import accepts values from both SomeDictionaryClass and SomeOtherDictionaryClasss dictionaries (if keys intersect, class with lower array key has priority).

Custom ExcelCellClasses

If You want more flexible or more validation in ExcelCell class, You can simply extend AbstractExcelCellClass and create custom validations and return data types. Int the example we will create cell that needs to be a valid email:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\AbstractExcelCell;

class RegexValidatableExcelCell extends AbstractExcelCell

     * returned value will be returned by the getValue() method
     * Note, that getValue() will return this value only if cell doesn't contain any error
    protected function getParsedValue(): ?string
        // In this case, we don't want to do any parsing as string is proper data type for email address
        return $this->rawValue;

     * Method should return null if value is valid,
     * or string with error message if not
    protected function validateValueRequirements(): ?string
        // We can access the raw string value with $this->rawValue
        // Note that the raw value will be null in case of empty cell
        if (filter_var($this->rawValue, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
            // Below method creates error message in format [cellName] - [given_message]
            return $this->createErrorMessageWithNamePrefix('Value is not a valid email address');
        return null;

More complex imports

Sometimes, we need to validate dependencies between cells inside a row, or even dependencies between rows. We can do that as well. AbstractExcelImporter implements checkRow checkRowRequirements() method that can be overriden to check required dependencies and add some errors if needed. It is called right before model creation in AbstractModelExcelImporter, so we can still be able to create object from EXCEL data.

Example of dependency validation:

Lets say we have some Model:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\Annotation\ExcelColumn;
use Kczer\ExcelImporter\ExcelElement\ExcelCell\IntegerExcelCell;

class SampleModelClass
     * @ExcelColumn(cellName="Number 1", targetExcelCellClass=IntegerExcelCell::class, columnKey="A")
     * @var int
    private $num1;

     * @ExcelColumn(cellName="Number 1", targetExcelCellClass=IntegerExcelCell::class, columnKey="B")
     * @var int
    private $num2;

    public function getNum1(): int
        return $this->num1;
    public function setNum1(int $num1): void
        $this->num1 = $num1;
    public function getNum2(): int
        return $this->num2;
    public function setNum2(int $num2): void
        $this->num2 = $num2;

Let's assume, that num1 should be bigger than num2. We can validate this dependency like so:


namespace My\SampleNamespace;

use Kczer\ExcelImporter\AbstractModelExcelImporter;

class DependencyValidationExcelImport extends AbstractModelExcelImporter

    protected function checkRowRequirements(): void
        foreach ($this->getExcelRows() as $excelRow) {
            $exclCells = $excelRow->getExcelCells();
            if ($exclCells['A']->getValue() <= $exclCells['B']->getValue()) {
                $excelRow->addErrorMessage('Number 1 should be bigger than Number 2');

     * @inheritDoc
    public function processParsedData(): void
        // TODO: Implement processParsedData() method.

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function getImportModelClass(): string
        return SampleModelClass::class;

If validation adds any error, then excel will be considered invalid, therefore models WILL NOT be created.

Data encoding

If you want to encode data from importer (for example to send it with request), You can do it like so:

$serializedInstance = $importer->serializeInstance();

... and then re-create importer instance:


Since version 3.0, it is also possible to get rows as JSON:

$rowsJson = $importer->getExcelRowsAsJson();

... and then re-create rows from this JSON:



PHP library for EXCEL data importing






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