Full stack project with mobile, web and API. A plataform that connects inependent teachers and students. Project initially developed at Next Level Week #2 from @Rocketseat.
- Landing page
- Show total connections
- Study Page
- Teacher list Page
- Filter teachers classes
- Show filtered teachers classes
- Give-Classes Page
- Teacher can register a class
- Show all the classes by pagination
- Dinamically filter classes
- Login
- Register
- Favorites Page
- Show Favorited teachers
- User can add teachers to favorites
- User can remove teachers from favorites
- User profile Page
Before try 🔬 proffy-web from your own local network you must have installed the following dependencies:
Into your terminal run:
node --version
Output expected:
yarn --version
Output expected:
git --version
Output expected:
git version 2.25.1
The versions can vary, if they vary too much and some bug occur, unninstall the current version and install the exact version of outputs above.
Clone this repository, into your terminal run:
git clone https://github.com/Kochiyama/proffy-web
Then change the actual directory to the proffy-web folder, run:
cd proffy-api
Install all the packages automatically, just run:
Set-up API address:
with your 'API address' in hands, open the api.ts
file on your text editor (my recomendation: vscode).
It is located at proffy-web/src/services
Then replace the Base_url string to your api address:
And finally:
yarn start
it will automatically open proffy on web running at your local machine
If you found a bug or error feel free to create a new issue on this repository
Any feeedbacks and opinions are welcome, send me a e-mail:
[email protected]