These queries can be used for the Photos.sqlite database for iOS 11 - 16 which contains data for the Local Photo Library assets. These queries are based on my testing, research and some community published research.
These queries were written to work for the Photos.sqlite database stored at:
iOS: /private/var/mobile/media/PhotoData/Photos.Sqlite
Mac OS: /Users//Pictures/PhotosLibrary.photoslibrary/database/Photos.sqlite
My research started in 2020 and since that time, I have continued to research and update the queries. The initial write up was posted via Heather Mahalik’s blog. The write up was later reviewed and published by DFRWS here.
A follow-up blog was posted on 2021/11/23 and can be found here
Blog update posted 2022/02/21 and can be found here
The query output includes the decoded data and the original database column values. The original value might be listed before or after the decoded value, here are a few examples:
Flash Fired-1
4-Visible via For You
0-Past Highlights
4-StillTesting - Indicates a value observed during testing, but decoding has not be validated
2022/03/26 Some queries were deleted in preparation of updates
2022/04/03 Queries were updated and beautified
2022/8/3 Queries updated thanks to suggestions from Jacques Boucher Some community members reached out and suggested a great change/update to my ELSE statements. The ELSE statements will now provide an indication if the value is new and its decoding is unknown. Here is an example of what that looks like:
Unknown-New-Value!: 440
2022/8/11 Queries updated to allow for better analysis of asset file names (Filename, Original Filename, Cloud Master Filename) and asset dates (Date Created, Cloud Master Created Date, EXIF Timestamp (device time), Cloud Master Import Date, Add Date, and others)
2022/9/11 Most significate change to all queries is the updated decoding to the following: ZASSET table ZSAVEDASSETTYPE column data ZADDITIONALASSETATTRIBUTES table ZIMPORTEDBY column data Queries are now default sorted by ZASSET.ZADDEDDATE iOS 15 and iOS 16 queries, I've added decoding for the Local Photo Library Photos.sqlite data for Shared with You (Syndication) Photo Library asset data.
Even though there are some artifact specific queries, I strongly recommend using the full query (iOS<*>_Photossqlite_query) for the iOS version you are analyzing. The smaller artifact specific queries will only get you the general information for a particular asset.
2022/9/20 Omitted query statements have been removed from the published queries. Please contact me directly if you believe there is data missing that you would like to have included in a query. Additionally, I have moved the WHERE statements to a separate document for your reference.
2022/11/6 Please DISREGARD all older queries for iOS versions 13, 14, 15, and 16, that I have published and shared. I have completed some significant research and I have updated all queries. These updated queries are based on the “Basic” query for each iOS version. You will notice a “Large” query for each iOS version also. This large query will include table data that is not included in the “Basic” and other targeted queries. If you cannot find what you are looking for in the Basic or smaller targeted queries, I would recommend using the “Large” query. You can use WHERE statements with the Large query to narrow your results. All queries, with the exception of the "Very-Basic" query, now include data from the Internal Resource Table. This table contains important information in determining if your device acquisition only contains smaller/optimized media assets or the original/full-sized asset. This data should be reviewed to determine if iCloud Photos data is necessary for your analysis.
Please contact me via email or twitter if you have any questions.
See blog postings at for updated list of references.