👨💻 Data scientist, passionate about ML and DL.
🌐 Currently working on full-stack projects with LLMs and vector databases.
📊 Passionate about real-world data impact.
🎓 Teaching at Harvard.
💡 Creative problem solver, entrepreneurial mindset.
🚀 Let's explore data science together!
- RAG implementation for cover letter creation using LangChain, Streamlit, FAISS, and OpenAI API
- HelpTheFellow for Preschoolers v0
- HelpTheFellow for Preschoolers using Next.js and Tailwind CSS
- Tenzies game using React hooks (useState and useEffect)
- Spotinality: Find out your personality
- Quiz using TrivialAPI in React
- Mobile first responsive design of book shop using React, CSS, HTML
- Responsive design of my digital business card using React, Create React App, Flexbox, CSS, HTML, JS and Vercel
- Docker Image published on DockerHub for my FastAPI social media project
- Python FastAPI backend project
- Used MATLAB and principles of Signal Processing to create a device mimicking any instrument device and playing any song