Machine Learning, books and music makes life easier
MIT Hackathon (HackMIT 2021) 2 days Project
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It is well-proven by studies that music enhances ones reading ability and experience. Furthermore, the pandemic has deprived our societies of physical interaction and socialization, including meaningful friendships that we cultivate in social cafes. With Musical Library, we aim to offer you the best online café-like library experience. With our selection of books, users can read books while listening to automatically played music. These music choices are catered to the emotions being portrayed in every page of the book, therefore capturing the essences of the story as you flip through every page. With this project, we hope to maximize everyone's reading experience.
This section should list any major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap your project. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples.
- Django
- Cockroach DB