An engineering question and answer board.
- Node 8.9.4
- Python 3.6
Begin by installing the latest version of Python 3. Go through the wizard. If you are on Windows make sure to check off add to environment variables. This will install python (if python 3.6 is the only version of python) or python3 (if python 2.7 is already installed on your system) globally on your system. The installation of python also calls with pip or pip3 (if python 2.7 is already installed on your system). pip is a package manager for Python.
Take the file that was sent to you and place it in the root of the project. Open your shell and cd to the root of the project. Now we can install the requirements for our projects.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Next we use python to run our project. You will use this command a lot for testing the web app.
$ python
The backend server should now be running on localhost:5000! Hit Ctrl+C in the shell to end the server process.
Begin by installing the latest version of Node.js 8. Go through the wizard. If you are on Windows make sure to check off add to environment variables. The installation of Node.js also comes with npm. npm is a package manager for Node.js.
The development of the frontend is in /static. The project is build with create-react-app.
From your project root cd to static. The first time you go in the folder, or anytime you change any module dependancies run the following command:
$ npm install
If you want to start react.
$ npm start
The frontend server should be running on localhost:3000! Hit Ctrl+C in the shell to end the server process. You want the frontend and the backend server running at the same time in different shells.
This project also uses SASS as its CSS extension language. Anyone can compile scss/sass files with Ruby; however to make it easier you only need to run the command
$ npm run watch-css
And now whenever a file change, .scss files get compiled and the project is good to run.
- Kerry Gougeon - Kerry Gougeon
- Ramez Zaid - Ramez Zaid
- Jonathan Mongeau - Jonathan Mongeau
- Sharon Chee Yin Ho - Sharon Ho
- Michael Magnabosco - Michael Magnabosco
- Nicolas Hudon - Nicolas Hudon
- Megan VanHumbeck - Megan VanHumbeck
- Jamal Ghamraoui - Jamal Ghamraoui