Short form poetry
Generally FreeBSD/NetBSD/Darwin/Linux tested
Usage: xmlp [-a][-b][-C][-c][-d][-f][-h][-i][-k][-K c][-l][-m path][-n #][-Q c][-q][-s suffix][-t][-V][-x][-?] [URL or pathToFile, will use stdin if available]
-a Array item numbers blank (useful when searching for any array item)
-b Ignore blank lines toggle (default ON)
-C Output CSV format
-c Increase rawness content fields (parsed as XML -> HTML -> raw)
-d Increase verbosity
-e Expand full paths (vs compressed . for each matching component to parent
-f Stop parsing after nth match (see -m) per stream. Can specify multiple for multiple matches.
-h Ignore search for ?xml tag to start (e.g. parse HTML)
-i Disable auto indexer (array detector)
-k Toggle flatten key tag into path - key/val couplets as path/key/name/type:value
-K Set dict/key compression character (default %)
-l Line break conversion to ;; for values (happens for comments by default)
-L Change ;; to this for newline replacement
-m pth Match - only output if /path matches given path (at head)
-n cnt Next n fields after match included (-s applies)
-q Do not prefix each line with /path: - just value
-Q c Quote character before and after values
-s sfx Suffix match - match backside (e.g. .jpg)
-t Ignore content layout tags like tables, divs, spans
-V Outpot in bash executable KV format (a=b where a legal variable name and b quoted value)
-x Output XML ... work in progress
or - cat file.xml | xmlp ...
Version of macOS thing: xmlp -m %CFBundleShortVersionString -q -f /System/Applications/
Reddit RSS images with URLs: xmlp -n 1 -m '/entry/content/a.href' -s '.jpg' -q ''
Use StdIn: cat /path/to/xmlfile.xml | xmlp
CVS Output: xmlp -C
Issues: Wider range of XML file testing, more intelligent choices
Version 0.14 from 230311
Usage: base [options] [ OutFormat ] InNumber [ InFormat ]
Smartly convert between bases. Default Out Format is all of them
-b byteswap (MSB -> LSB) - shown anyway if no output specified
-d Force decode (needed for multiline base64 string)
-e Force encode
-l Same as -w 32
-n Number only - only one output, no label
-s String operations, not numeric
-v Increase verbosity
-w Width in bits
base 16384
base 16 16384
base 4000 16
base QAA 64
base 0u0u100000000000000 # binary
base 0v10000000 # base4
base 0w40000 # octal
base 0x4000 # hex
base 0yIAAA # base32
base 0zQAA # base64
base -n 16 16384
base -s "The quick brown fox"
base -s VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveA==
cat fileOfNumbers | base 64
Version 0.09 from 210413