Simple REST library used within keiryo
node.js v14 or newer is required.
yarn add @keiryo/rest
import { RestClient, cdn } from "@keiryo/rest";
import { request } from "undici";
const api = new RestClient();
// You must set the token if you want to use the RestHandler, cdn doesn't require authorization.
api.token = "your token here"
// All (iirc) REST routes return JSON, the CDN does not.
// If you want to use the CDN you need to use petitio, or another http client of your choice.
const defaultAvatar = await request(cdn.defaultAvatar(5773 % 5));
const data = await defaultAvatar.body.arrayBuffer();
console.log(Buffer.from(data)) // => <Buffer 89 50 4e 47...>
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License