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A library of point-free style combinators for Emacs Lisp.

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  • Emacs >= 26.1



Download repository and it to your load path in your init file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/fp")
(require 'fp)

With use-package and straight

(use-package fp :straight (:repo "KarimAziev/fp" :type git :host github))



fp-pipe (&rest functions)

Return a left-to-right composition from functions. The first argument may have any arity; the remaining arguments must be unary.

(funcall (fp-pipe upcase split-string) "some string")
;; ⇒ ("SOME" "STRING")

fp-compose (&rest functions)

Return a right-to-left composition from functions. The last function may have any arity; the remaining arguments must be unary.

(funcall (fp-compose split-string upcase) "some string")
;; ⇒ ("SOME" "STRING")

fp-partial (fn &rest args)

Return a partial application of a function fn to left-hand args.

Arguments args is a list of the last n arguments to pass to fn. The result is a new function that does the same as fn, except that the last n arguments are fixed at the values with which this function was called.

(funcall (fp-partial > 3) 2) ;; ⇒ t

fp-rpartial (fn &rest args)

Return a partial application of a function fn to right-hand arguments args.

Arguments args is a list of the last n arguments to pass to fn.

The result is a new function which does the same as fn, except that the last n arguments are fixed at the values with which this function was called.

(funcall (fp-rpartial plist-get :name) '(:name "John" :age 30))
;; ⇒ "John"

fp-and (&rest functions)

Return a unary function that calls functions until one of them yields nil. If all functions return non-nil, return the last such value.

(let ((x 30))
  (funcall (fp-and numberp 1+) x))
;; ⇒ 31

fp-or (&rest functions)

Expand to a unary function that calls functions until first non-nil result. Return that first non-nil result without calling the remaining functions. If all functions returned nil, the result will be also nil.

 (fp-or numberp stringp)
 '("a" "b" (0 1 2 3 4) "c" 34 (:name "John" :age 30)))

;; ⇒ ("a" "b" "c" 34)

fp-converge (combine-fn &rest functions)

Return a function to apply combine-fn with the results of branching functions. If the first element of functions is a vector, it will be used instead.

(funcall (fp-converge concat [upcase downcase]) "John")
;; ⇒ "JOHNjohn"

If first element of functions is a vector, it will be used instead.

(funcall (fp-converge concat upcase downcase) "John")
;; ⇒ "JOHNjohn"

fp-use-with (combine-fn &rest functions)

Return a function with the arity of length functions. Call every branching function with an argument at the same index, and finally, combine-fn will be applied to the supplied values.

(funcall (fp-use-with concat [upcase downcase]) "hello " "world")
  ;;  ⇒ "HELLO world"

If first element of functions is a vector, it will be used instead.

(funcall (fp-use-with concat upcase downcase) "hello " "world")
;;   ⇒ "HELLO world"

fp-when (pred fn)

Return a function that calls fn if the result of calling pred is non-nil. Both pred and fn are called with one argument. If the result of pred is nil, return the argument as is.

(defun truncate-maybe (str len)
  "Truncate STR if longer LEN, otherwise return STR."
  (funcall (fp-when
            (fp-compose (fp-partial < len) length)
            (fp-rpartial substring 0 len))

(list (truncate-maybe "long string" 4)
      (truncate-maybe "lo" 4))

;; ⇒ ("long" "lo")

fp-unless (pred fn)

Return a function that calls fn if the result of calling pred is non-nil.

Both pred and fn are called with one argument.

If the result of pred is nil, return the argument as is.Return a unary function that invokes fn if the result of calling pred is nil. Accept one argument and pass it both to pred and fn. If the result of pred is non-nil, return the argument as is.

(defun divide-maybe (a b)
  "Divide A and B unless B is 0."
  (funcall (fp-unless zerop
                       (fp-partial / a))

(list (divide-maybe 10 0)
      (divide-maybe 10 2))

;; ⇒ '(0 5)

fp-const (value)

Return a function that always returns value. This function accepts any number of arguments but ignores them.

(funcall (fp-const 2) 4) ;; ⇒ 2

fp-ignore-args (fn)

Return a function that invokes fn without args. This function accepts any number of arguments but ignores them.

(defun my-fn ()
  "Show message hello world."
  (message "Hello world"))

(funcall (fp-ignore-args my-fn) 4) ;;   ⇒ "Hello world"

fp-not (fn)

Return a function that negates the result of function fn.

(funcall (fp-not stringp) 4) ;;   ⇒ t

fp-cond (&rest pairs)

Return a function that expands a list of pairs to cond clauses. Every pair should be either:

  • a vector of [predicate transformer]
(funcall (fp-cond
           [stringp identity]
           [symbolp symbol-name]
           [integerp number-to-string]
           [floatp number-to-string]
           [t (fp-partial format "%s")])

;;   ⇒ 4
  • a list of (predicate transformer).
(funcall (fp-cond
           (stringp identity)
           (symbolp symbol-name)
           (integerp number-to-string)
           (floatp number-to-string)
           (t (fp-partial format "%s")))
;;   ⇒ 4

The predicate can also be t.

All of the arguments to function are applied to each of the predicates in turn until one returns a "truthy" value, at which point fn returns the result of applying its arguments to the corresponding transformer.


fp-nil (&rest ignored)

Do nothing and return t. This function accepts any number of arguments but ignores them.

(fp-nil t)
    ⇒ nil
(fp-nil 23)
    ⇒ nil
   ⇒ nil

fp-t (&rest ignored)

Do nothing and return t. This function accepts any number of arguments, but ignores them.

(fp-t nil)
   ⇒ t
   ⇒ t
 (fp-t 23)
   ⇒ t