Sample application that makes use of Deck of Cards API. It lets you choose a number of decks that are going to be used for drawing 5 cards. Next, those cards are validated if there are one of the following variants found:
- Color - at least 3 cards are of the same suit
- Stairs - at least 3 cards are rising or falling (eg. 4, 5, 6 or Jack, 10, 9)
- Figure - at least 3 cards are figures (eg. Jack, Queen, King)
- Twins - at least 3 cards have the same value (eg. 3x King)
When there are less than 5 cards in deck, you can shuffle them.
Application is written in the MVVM architecture. It uses following libraries:
- RxJava2 (and RxAndroid2)
- Retrofit2
- Dagger2
- Databinding
- Glide