This is a simple game with 5 levels, where player has to pass required score of current level to unlock next level. Also each level has highest score and I use local storage to set and save it for each level.
To increse score, player has to match diamonds with the same kind.
kinds of diamonds:
- yellow,
- red,
- purple,
- white,
- green,
- blue (but only in 4 and 5 level)
Game has 3 main layers (Main menu, board with levels and game map) and 2 side layers (settings and message after game with result).
- Levels layer - board with levels is generates every time when player will come in
- Game layer - each level doesn't have an assigned board/map with diamonds, this board is generates automatically when player opens the level.
kinds of diamonds in levels: - 1,2 and 3 - 5 kinds (yellow, red, purple, white and green)
- 4 and 5 - 6 kinds (one more 'blue')
This project was created for desktop only.
I made this game for OPP learning as a task from course on Udemy
- Link for course which was my inspiration to create this game:
- Music: youtube audio library
- Game sound(Diamonds sound):
I used JavaScript, HTML and Sass in this project.
status of project: finished