Since the first version of 6.X was uploaded, a lot of changes were made. One of the - for me - more annoying things was the mess that was made of the "ini" file. So, one of the changes is that the structure of the ini file was (re)designed, and
made into clean paragraphs.
The drawback is that the new ini file is not compatible with the old one, therefore the ini file for the 6.8 version is named differently.
It means (a.o) that settings done for older versions - in particular the home position for using the TII decoding - has to be redone.
When starting the first time, a warning will appear to indicate that the home location is to be filled in.
A second visible change is that the software now records for each channel the service selected, and - on re-enetering the channel -
will (try to) restart the service.
As before, files generated by the software, i.e. slides if they are saved, the tii text file and the log file - if enabled - appear in the folder (or directory ffor Linux) "Qt-DAB-files", in the user's home directory.
The configuration and control idget has a button "path" when touched, allows setting a different path for that file
Minor addition: I found out that some young people had trouble figuring out which direction e.g. 330 degrees azimut was,
so I added a compass to the dxDisplay, showing the direction of the strongest signal, i.e. the one used in processing
12-11 small update, some settings in the new ini file were incorrectly handled
15-11 updates, some scanning functions did not work, skip (or scan)table handling modified and corrected