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SexualRhinoceros edited this page Jan 11, 2016
23 revisions
!!joinserver [Server Link]
Asks the bot to join a server. [todo: add info about if it breaks or whatever]
If the user who starts the registration has the `AutoManager` role, start the registration process.
!!mute @UserName ""
Mute the user indefinitley unless given a time, then only mute till the time is up
!!unmute @UserName ""
Unmutes the user defined.
!!addroles @UserName "" ""
Assigns the user the roles defined
!!removerole @UserName "" ""
Removes the role defined from the user
!!purge <# to purge> @UserName ""
Removes all messages from chat unless a user is specified;
then remove all messages by the user.
!!ban @UserName ""
Bans the user from the server and removes 7 days worth of their messages
!!kick @Username ""
Kicks the user from the server.
!!whitelist @UserName OR "" ""
Adds the user or role to the whitelist so they're ignored by the filters.
!!blacklist "" ""
Adds the specified word / words (string) to the blacklist!
!!remblacklist "" ""
Removes the specified word / words (string) from the blacklist!
!!whitelist @UserName OR "" ""
Removes the user or role from the whitelist so they're no longer ignored by the filters.
!!unban @UserName ""
Unbans a user!
!!settokens ""
Sets the number of tokens a user has to spend in a reset period
!!settokenreset ""
Sets the time frame in which a user can spend their tokens until they're rate limited
!!setpunishment ""
Sets the punishment to be used when a blacklisted word is detected
Only accepts : 'kick', 'ban', 'mute', or 'nothing'
!!setlongtimemember ""
Sets what the time in hours will be until a user is considered a 'long time memeber' of the server
and be subjected to less strict filtering.
!!setmodlogid ""
Sets the channel ID of the mod log!
!!setserverlogid ""
Sets the channel ID of the server log!
!!alertrhino ""
Used to send a message to SexualRhinoceros if the bot isn't working for one reason or another!
Replies with "PONG!"; Use to test bot's responsiveness
!!ignore ""
Adds the channel ID to the list of ignored channels when outputting to the server log
!!remignore ""
Removes the channel ID from the list of ignored channels when outputting to the server log
Tells the user their id.