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Command List

DoNotSpamPls edited this page Sep 5, 2017 · 15 revisions


Read First:

  • The characters:< > [ ] are PLACEHOLDERS. DO NOT use them when issuing commands! However commands that use quotes have to have them, otherwise they will not work.
  • All commands using a Username will work with more than one username as well
  • Do not include actual < > signs in your commands
  • if there are quotes around an argument, make sure to include them or it'll only take the first word
  • All "<reason>"s are optional
  • Do not use the alertrhino command unless 100% necessary
  • Using !skip in registration will cause it to skip that current option.
  • Using !restart will restart the registration!
  • Modlog and Serverlog are disabled by default, you need to enable them after you set the channels.


Gives the bot invite URL.


This is how you start the registration process for your server, if the person issuing the command has the 'Manage Roles' permission.


 This will cause RH1-N0 to announce his creator, his current version, and provide a link to the Github. 

!!mute @UserName [ + | add ] <time> "<reason>"

 Mutes the user indefinitely, unless a time is specified. If a time (in seconds) is specified it will only mute them until that amount of time is up.

!!mute @UserName [ - | remove ] "<reason>"

 Un-mutes from the user specified.

!!role [ + | - | add | remove ] @UserName "<role name>" "<reason>"

 Adds or removes the role to the user(s) defined.

!!ban @UserName "<reason>"

 Bans the user(s) from the server.

!!unban @UserName "<reason>"

 Unbans the user(s) from the server.

!!softban @UserName "<reason>"

 Bans then unbans the user from the server and deletes the users messages.

!!whitelist [ + | - | add | remove ] @UserName *OR* "<role name>" "<reason>"

 Adds or removes the user(s) or the role to the whitelist so they're ignored by the filters.

!!modlist [ + | - | add | remove ] @UserName *OR* "<role name>" "<reason>"

 Adds or removes the user(s) or the role to the list of people I allow to use my commands.

!!blacklist [ + | - | add | remove ] "<string>" "<reason>"

 Adds or removes the specified word / words (string) to the blacklist.

!!kick @Username "<reason>"

 Eject the user from your server.

!!purge <# to purge> @UserName "<reason>"

 Clears the channel that it's used in of messages, unless a user is specified. 

!!settokens <number> "<reason>"

 Sets the number of tokens a user has to spend in a reset period

!!settokenreset <time in seconds> "<reason>"

Sets the time frame in which a user can spend their tokens until they're rate limited

!!setpunishment <new punishment> "<reason>"

 Sets the punishment to be used when a blacklisted word is detected
 Only accepts : '`kick`', '`ban`', '`mute`', or '`nothing`'

!!setlongtimemember <time> "<reason>"

 Sets what the time in hours will be until a user is considered a 'long time memeber' 
of the server and be subjected to less strict filtering.

!!modlog [set | + | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] <new channel ID> "<reason>"

 Use set to change the mod log to a provided channel. If the first choice is set, it will change the mod log to the specified channel. 
 To toggle the mod log on use one of these: `+, true, yes, y.` 
 To toggle the mod log off use one of these: `-, false, no, n.`

!!serverlog [set | + | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] <new channel ID> "<reason>"

 Use set to change the server log to a provided channel. If the first choice is set, it will change the server log to the specified channel. 
 To toggle the server log on use one of these: `+, true, yes, y.` 
 To toggle the server log off use one of these: `-, false, no, n.`

!!twitchemotes [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"

 Use: `+, true, yes, y` to turn on Twitch Emote removal.
 Use: `-, false, no, n` to turn off Twitch Emote removal.

!!dupemessages [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"

 Use: `+, true, yes, y` to turn on duplicate message removal.
 Use: `-, false, no, n` to turn off duplicate message removal.

!!dupeletters [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"

 Use: `+, true, yes, y` to turn on the removal of messages for duplicate letters.
 Use: `-, false, no, n` to turn off the removal of messages for duplicate letters.

!!ratelimit [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"

 Use: `+, true, yes, y` to turn on rate limiting.
 Use: `-, false, no, n` to turn off rate limiting.


 Private messages the sender all the info of the server it was used on.

!!alertrhino "<message>"

 Send a message to SexualRhinoceros when the bot is broken.


 Replies with "PONG!"; Use this to test bot's responsiveness.


 Appreciate how well the bot is functioning and want to contribute to the creator? This will give you information on how to donate!

!!ignore [ + | - | add | remove ] <channel ID> "<reason>"

 Use: `+, add` to add a channel to be ignored from the server log.
 Use: `-, remove` to remove a channel from the server log ignore list.

!!rolecolor "<role name>" "#hex color code" "<reason>"

 Change the color of a role to the hex code provided.


 Allows the user to figure out their ID.

!!userinfo <name>

 Provides information about the specified user such as: 
 Current name, past names, discriminator, ID, account creation date, server join date, number of bans, number of infractions, avatar, and the number of servers shared with Rhino.

!!nick "<nickname>" "<reason>"

 Sets the nickname for RH1 on the server.

!!setnick @Username *OR* "<role name>" "<nickname>"

 Sets the nickname for the user on the server

!!clearnick @Username *OR* "<role name>"

 Clears the nickname of the user
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