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Welcome! In order to get the bot in your server, you'll either need to head HERE, find my bot, and paste in the invite link or you need to invite it from a server its already in by either Direct Messaging him the invite link or by using the !!joinserver command!
I recommend checking out my Bot Help Server as he'll always be there ;D
##What is this? This is a multi server and multi purpose automatic moderation bot that will help you keep a clean chat whether you're on desktop or mobile, at home watching chat or out and about! The bot is smart enough to prevent spam without hindering normal discussion and also allowing the filtering of words from the chat, keeping things SFW and link spam free.
More specifically, the bot will check a user's join date and determine the type of rate limiting it needs to take based off that. If a user is new, it'll be much more strict with its filtering until they've been on the server for the server defined time. Oh, did I forget to mention each server can set up its own specific rules for the bot to enforce, tailoring it to the needs of the server? Slipped my mind. In total, the bot currently offers 16 different options for customization. It also touts a server log which will merge all chats into one and log all people who have joined or left a server, all messages, edits, deletes, everything, and a mod log which will keep track of every action taken by it for total transparency!
##What isn't this? (yet)
- It is not a tool to create custom commands of a server by server basis, though that is planned and will hopefully be implemented in the coming days to weeks.
- It will not make your bed for you
- It will not talk to your girlfriend for you
- It (unfortunately) will not make food for you
- It is not a catch all end all for spammers and trolls. I try my best to stay ahead but someone will always be able to get past filters
##General Notes
- All commands using a Username will work with more than one username as well
- Do not include actual < > signs in your commands
- if there are quotes around an argument, make sure to include them or it'll only take the first word
- All "<reason>"s are optional
- When registering, the bot saves your place so you can take your time!
- Also, all registration will take place in the Private Messages between the bot and yourself
- Also, using !skip in registration will cause it to skip that current option.
- ALSO, using !restart will restart the registration!
- Do not use the
command unless 100% necessary - The bot needs all the permissions. Failure to do so will result in errors being printed in chat.
- If there is a catastrophic error and the bot needs to be restarted, a message to all servers detailing this will be sent to the general channels
- During the registration, you need to send the word "banana" to the bot in a dm and nothing more to continue
- Failure to follow the instructions written here WILL result in the bot behaving in unintended way and possibly doing unwanted things
That being said, if you have anything to report or want to suggest features, be sure to pop on by to my Discord server!
PREFACE: The characters:< > [ ]
are PLACEHOLDERS. DO NOT use them when issuing commands! The quotes, however are NOT placeholders.
!!joinserver [Server Link]
Asks the bot to join a server.
Starts the registration process only if the person issuing the command has the
"Manage Roles" permission
Sends a whole buncha info pertaining to the bot to the chat! Includes info like
links to my github, my name, and the version number
!!mute @UserName [ + | - | add | remove ] <time> "<reason>"
Mute the user indefinitley unless given a time, then only mute till the time is up
!!role @UserName [ + | - | add | remove ] "<role name>" "<reason>"
Assigns the user the roles defined
!!ban [ + | - | add | remove ] @UserName "<reason>"
Bans the user from the server and removes 7 days worth of their messages
!!whitelist [ + | - | add | remove ] @UserName OR "<role name>" "<reason>"
Adds the user or role to the whitelist so they're ignored by the filters.
!!modlist [ + | - | add | remove ] @UserName OR "<role name>" "<reason>"
Adds the user or role to the list of people I allow to use my commands!
!!blacklist [ + | - | add | remove ] "<string>" "<reason>"
Adds the specified word / words (string) to the blacklist!
!!kick @Username "<reason>"
Kicks the user from the server.
!!purge <# to purge> @UserName "<reason>"
Removes all messages from chat unless a user is specified;
then remove all messages by the user.
!!settokens <number> "<reason>"
Sets the number of tokens a user has to spend in a reset period
!!settokenreset <time in seconds> "<reason>"
Sets the time frame in which a user can spend their tokens until they're rate limited
!!setpunishment <new punishment> "<reason>"
Sets the punishment to be used when a blacklisted word is detected
Only accepts : 'kick', 'ban', 'mute', or 'nothing'
!!setlongtimemember <time> "<reason>"
Sets what the time in hours will be until a user is considered a 'long time memeber'
of the server and be subjected to less strict filtering.
!!modlog [set | + | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] <new channel ID> "<reason>"
If the first choice is set, it will change the mod log to the provided channel
If the first choice is anything else, it'll toggle whether the modlog is used or not!
"+, true, yes, y" will enable it and "-, false, no, n" will disable it
!!serverlog [set | + | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"
If the first choice is set, will change the server log to the provided channel
If the first choice is anything else, it'll toggle whether the server log is used or not!
"+, true, yes, y" will enable it and "-, false, no, n" will disable it
!!twitchemotes [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"
Enables or Disables the removal of Twitch Emotes!
!!dupemessages [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"
Changes whether the bot will remove messages for being similar or the
same as other messages
!!dupeletters [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"
Changes whether the bot will remove messages for having duplicate letters or not
!!ratelimit [+ | - | true | false | yes | no | y | n] "<reason>"
Changes whether the bot will rate limit people or not!
Gets all the info for the server the command was called
from and PM it to the person who used the command
!!alertrhino "<message>"
Used to send a message to SexualRhinoceros if the bot isn't working for one
reason or another!
Replies with "PONG!"; Use to test bot's responsiveness
Sends a whole buncha info pertaining to the bot to the chat!
Sends info on how to donate towards the developer of this bot!
!!ignore [ + | - | add | remove ] <channel ID> "<reason>"
Adds or removes the channel ID to the list of ignored channels
when outputting to the server log
!!rolecolor "<role name>" "#hex color code" "<reason>"
Changes the color of a role to whatever hexadecimal color code is provided
Tells the user their id.
##Sounds cool, why should I trust you though?
Funny you should ask! I currently am a moderator on the /r/wow, Heroes of the Storm, and Game Detectives (formerly Steam Sale Detectives) Discord servers a lot with the creator of the ever so popular Music Bot!
I decided my next project should be something that is heavily needed by me and many others and can be easily deployed from server to server! This bot is running on each and every one of the servers that I moderate on and then a few more and has gone under intense scrutiny to see if it truly does run well and it passed each test with flying colors! Try the bot out on your server and see what the fuss is all about!