You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 32
!!joinserver [Server Link]
Asks the bot to join a server. [todo: add info about if it breaks or whatever]
If the user who starts the registration has the `AutoManager` role, start the registration process.
!!mute @UserName <time> "<reason>"
Mute the user indefinitley unless given a time, then only mute till the time is up
!!unmute @UserName "<reason>"
Unmutes the user defined.
!!addroles @UserName "<role name>" "<reason>"
Assigns the user the roles defined
!!removerole @UserName "<role name>" "<reason>"
Removes the role defined from the user
!!purge <# to purge> @UserName "<reason>"
Removes all messages from chat unless a user is specified;
then remove all messages by the user.
!!ban @UserName "<reason>"
Bans the user from the server and removes 7 days worth of their messages
!!kick @Username "<reason>"
Kicks the user from the server.
!!whitelist @UserName OR "<role name>" "<reason>"
Adds the user or role to the whitelist so they're ignored by the filters.
!!blacklist "<string>" "<reason>"
Adds the specified word / words (string) to the blacklist!
!!remblacklist "<string>" "<reason>"
Removes the specified word / words (string) from the blacklist!
!!whitelist @UserName OR "<role name>" "<reason>"
Removes the user or role from the whitelist so they're no longer ignored by the filters.
!!unban @UserName "<reason>"
Unbans a user!
!!settokens <number> "<reason>"
Sets the number of tokens a user has to spend in a reset period
!!settokenreset <time in seconds> "<reason>"
Sets the time frame in which a user can spend their tokens until they're rate limited
!!setpunishment <new punishment> "<reason>"
Sets the punishment to be used when a blacklisted word is detected
Only accepts : 'kick', 'ban', 'mute', or 'nothing'
!!setlongtimemember <time> "<reason>"
Sets what the time in hours will be until a user is considered a 'long time memeber' of the server
and be subjected to less strict filtering.
!!setmodlogid <new channel ID> "<reason>"
Sets the channel ID of the mod log!
!!setserverlogid <new channel ID> "<reason>"
Sets the channel ID of the server log!
!!alertrhino "<message>"
Used to send a message to SexualRhinoceros if the bot isn't working for one reason or another!
Replies with "PONG!"; Use to test bot's responsiveness
!!ignore <channel ID> "<reason>"
Adds the channel ID to the list of ignored channels when outputting to the server log
!!remignore <channel ID> "<reason>"
Removes the channel ID from the list of ignored channels when outputting to the server log
Tells the user their id.