- Install the Stylus extension: Chrome Web Store | Firefox
Install UserCSS style from: 📦 GitHub | 🔗 UserStyles.world | 🔗 Greasy Fork
Note: Soundcloud is currently testing a UI redesign, starting with the user tracks page. Some things are styled with this theme but most aren't, and many things are likely to be broken as SC rolls this update out for other pages. When more pages are updated to the new UI I'll try to start trying to rewrite this style for it since this one is over 5k lines of inconsistent conventions, overriding properties and overall messiness. I'll be using the less preprocessor that's built-in to Stylus for the rewrite to make organizing things a bit easier.
I might try to do this but since the new UI uses obfuscated classes that could change and break everything at any moment I probably won't :(. I'll still try to make sure the new UI has dark mode but any major layout changes like we have now on the "old" site probably won't happen.
Install userscript to get rid of "Tracks by..." etc on profile pages. (no longer necessary)
- Install a userscript manager:
- Chrome: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- Firefox: Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey
- Safari: Tampermonkey or Userscripts
Find more styles at UserStyles.world and UserStyles.org (Archive)!
Primarily based on 'SoundCloud Ultra Dark' by IgChi
'SoundCloud - Quite Dark' by pawelos076232
'Custom Waveform Hue' by CriAsuDre (No longer included as of v0.9.120)
Font used: 'Inter' by @rsms
NO LONGER MAINTAINED: 📦 Ultra Dark "Cover-style" Profile Headers