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Merge pull request #84 from JoelHobson/new_notes
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Overhaul: Notes + Docs
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JoelHobson authored Dec 12, 2017
2 parents e5a7850 + 6c9029c commit 02b39b6
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@@ -1,68 +1,122 @@
# MIDI.jl

A basic library for reading and writing MIDI data. Pull requests and suggestions are more than welcome. If you feel the API is clumsy or incomplete, please create a feature request.
A basic library for reading and writing MIDI data. Pull requests and suggestions are more than welcome. If you feel the API is clumsy or incomplete, please open an Issue about it.

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MIDI: The least you need to know

# MIDI: The least you need to know

A MIDI file typically comes in pieces called tracks that play simultaneously. Each track can have 16 different channels, numbered 0-15. Each channel can be thought of as a single instrument, though that instrument can be changed throughout that track. A track contains events. The three types of events are MIDI events, meta events, and system exclusive (SYSEX) events.

All events begin with the time since the last event (dT) in ticks. The number of ticks per beat is given by the timedivision of the file. To make manipulating events easier, there's an `addevent(track::MIDITrack, time::Integer, newevent::TrackEvent)` function specified that lets you specify absolute time (in ticks).
All events begin with the time since the last event (dT) in ticks. The number of ticks per quarter note is given by the `tpq` of the midi file, `MIDIFile.tpq`. To make manipulating events easier, there's an `addevent!(track::MIDITrack, time::Integer, newevent::TrackEvent)` function specified that lets you specify absolute time (in ticks).

MIDI events handle things related to the sound, such as playing a note or moving the pitchwheel. There are constants in constants.jl to assist in creating these.

Meta events take care of things like adding copyright text or authorship information.

Sysex events are used to transmit arbitrary data. Their contents depend on the intended recipient.

MIDI notes are indicated by numbers. You can use the chart below for reference. To get the number for a specific note, multiply 12 by the
octave number, and add it to one of the following
- C = 0
- C# = 1
- Db = 1
- D = 2
- D# = 3
- Eb = 3
- E = 4
- F = 5
- F# = 6
- Gb = 6
- G = 7
- G# = 8
- Ab = 8
- A = 9
- A# = 10
- Bb = 10
- B = 11
- Cb = 11

For example, to find C5, you would multiply 12 * 5 and add the number for C, which is 0 in this case. So C5 is 60.

E4 = 12 * 4 + 4 = 52, D6 = 12 * 6 + 2 = 74 etc.
## Basic types
type MIDIFile
format::UInt16 # The format of the file. Can be 0, 1 or 2
tpq::Int16 # The time division of the track in ticks per beat.
tracks::Array{MIDITrack, 1}

type MIDITrack
events::Array{TrackEvent, 1}

type Note
Value is a number indicating pitch class & octave (middle-C is 60). Position is an absolute time (in ticks) within the track. Please note that velocity cannot be higher than 127 (0x7F). Integers can be added to, or subtracted from notes to change the pitch, and notes can be directly compared with ==. Constants exist for the different pitch values at octave 0. MIDI.C, MIDI.Cs, MIDI.Db, etc. Enharmonic note constants exist as well (MIDI.Fb). Just add 12*n to the note to transpose to octave n.

mutable struct Notes
`Notes` is a container of `Note`. It is iterated and accessed exactly like
the contained `Vector{Note}`. The reason that `tpq` is also bundled here
is that it allows one to obtain the note position within a bar, making
working with notes easier.

Opening and writing a MIDI file:
type MIDIEvent <: TrackEvent

type MetaEvent <: TrackEvent

type SysexEvent <: TrackEvent
MIDIfile = readMIDIfile("test.mid")
writeMIDIfile("filename.mid", MIDIfile)

## Functions
The exported functions have documentation strings. Read those for proper use. This
section simply summarizes the exported content of MIDI.jl.

### Opening and writing a MIDI file
midi = readMIDIfile("test.mid") #Reads a file into a MIDIFile data type
writeMIDIfile("filename.mid", midi) #Writes a MIDI file to the given filename

Two functions that may also be of use are: `BPM(midi)` and `ms_per_tick(midi)`.
### Utility functions

Creating a new file with arbitrary notes
### Manipulating tracks
addnote!(track::MIDITrack, note::Note) # Adds a note to a track
addnotes!(track::MIDITrack, notes) # Adds a series of notes to a track

# Gets all of the notes on a track:
getnotes(midi::MIDIFile, trackno = 2)
getnotes(track::MIDITrack, tpq = 960)

# Change the program (instrument) on the given channel.
# Time is ABSOLUTE, not relative to the last event.
programchange(track::MIDITrack, time::Integer, channel::UInt8, program::UInt8)

# Add custom event (again, time is absolute)
addevent!(track::MIDITrack, time::Integer, newevent::TrackEvent)
# Arguments are pitch (MIDI note number), duration (in ticks), position in track (in ticks), channel (0-15) and velocity (0-127)
`getnotes` returns `Notes` type.


# Example Creating a new file with arbitrary notes

using MIDI
C = Note(60, 96, 0, 0)
E = Note(64, 96, 48, 0)
Expand All @@ -73,7 +127,8 @@ file = MIDIFile()
track = MIDITrack()
notes = Notes()
i = 0
for v in values(MIDI.GM) # GM is a map of all the general MIDI instrument names and their codes
# GM is a map of all the general MIDI instrument names and their codes
for v in values(MIDI.GM)
push!(notes, C)
push!(notes, E)
push!(notes, G)
Expand All @@ -88,80 +143,37 @@ for v in values(MIDI.GM) # GM is a map of all the general MIDI instrument names
i += 1

addnotes(track, notes)
addnotes!(track, notes)
push!(file.tracks, track)
writeMIDIfile("test_out.mid", file)

Data structures and functions you should know

type MIDIFile
format::UInt16 # The format of the file. Can be 0, 1 or 2
timedivision::Int16 # The time division of the track in ticks per beat.
tracks::Array{MIDITrack, 1}
MIDIFile() = new(0,96,MIDITrack[])

`function readMIDIfile(filename::AbstractString)` Reads a file into a MIDIFile data type

`function writeMIDIfile(filename::AbstractString, data::MIDIFile)` Writes a MIDI file to the given filename

type MIDITrack
events::Array{TrackEvent, 1}
MIDITrack() = new(TrackEvent[])
MIDITrack(events) = new(events)

`function addnote(track::MIDITrack, note::Note)` Adds a note to a track

`function addnotes(track::MIDITrack, notes::Array{Note, 1})` Adds a series of notes to a track

`function getnotes(track::MIDITrack)` Gets all of the notes on a track

`function programchange(track::MIDITrack, time::Integer, channel::UInt8, program::UInt8)` Change the program (instrument) on the given channel. Time is absolute, not relative to the last event.

type Note
Note(value, duration, position, channel, velocity=0x7F)

Value is a number indicating pitch class & octave (middle-C is 60). Position is an absolute time (in ticks) within the track. Please note that velocity cannot be higher than 127 (0x7F). Integers can be added to, or subtracted from notes to change the pitch, and notes can be directly compared with ==. Constants exist for the different pitch values at octave 0. MIDI.C, MIDI.Cs, MIDI.Db, etc. Enharmonic note constants exist as well (MIDI.Fb). Just add 12*n to the note to transpose to octave n.

In addition, the alias `Notes = Vector{Note}` is also exported for ease-of-use.
MIDI notes are indicated by numbers. You can use the chart below for reference. To get the number for a specific note, multiply 12 by the
octave number, and add it to one of the following
- C = 0
- C# = 1
- Db = 1
- D = 2
- D# = 3
- Eb = 3
- E = 4
- F = 5
- F# = 6
- Gb = 6
- G = 7
- G# = 8
- Ab = 8
- A = 9
- A# = 10
- Bb = 10
- B = 11
- Cb = 11

type MIDIEvent <: TrackEvent
For example, to find C5, you would multiply 12 * 5 and add the number for C, which is 0 in this case. So C5 is 60.

type MetaEvent <: TrackEvent
E4 = 12 * 4 + 4 = 52, D6 = 12 * 6 + 2 = 74 etc.

type SysexEvent <: TrackEvent

If you want to do more than just add notes to a track and change the program, you'll need to create the events yourself.\\ Generally, you won't want to set dT yourself. Just use `function addevent(track::MIDITrack, time::Integer, newevent::TrackEvent)` instead, and give it an absolute time within the track.
If you want to do more than just add notes to a track and change the program, you'll need to create the events yourself.\\ Generally, you won't want to set dT yourself. Just use `addevent!(track::MIDITrack, time::Integer, newevent::TrackEvent)` instead, and give it an absolute time within the track.

Some constants for MIDI events and program changes have been provided in constants.jl. Have fun!
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions src/midifile.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ Type representing a file of MIDI data.
## Fields
* `format::UInt16` : The format of the file. Can be 0, 1 or 2.
* `timedivision::Int16` : The time division of the track, ticks-per-beat.
* `tpq::Int16` : The time division of the track, ticks-per-beat.
* `tracks::Array{MIDITrack, 1}` : The array of contained tracks.
type MIDIFile
format::UInt16 # The format of the file. Can be 0, 1 or 2
timedivision::Int16 # The time division of the track. Ticks per beat.
tpq::Int16 # The time division of the track. Ticks per beat.
tracks::Array{MIDITrack, 1} # An array of tracks

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function readMIDIfile(filename::AbstractString)

# Get the number of tracks and time division
numberoftracks = ntoh(read(f, UInt16))
MIDIfile.timedivision = ntoh(read(f, Int16))
MIDIfile.tpq = ntoh(read(f, Int16))
MIDIfile.tracks = [readtrack(f) for x in 1:numberoftracks]

Expand All @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function writeMIDIfile(filename::AbstractString, data::MIDIFile)
write(f, hton(convert(UInt32, 6))) # Header length
write(f, hton(data.format))
write(f, hton(convert(UInt16, length(data.tracks))))
write(f, hton(data.timedivision))
write(f, hton(data.tpq))

map(track->writetrack(f, track), data.tracks)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ Given a `MIDIFile`, return how many miliseconds is one tick, based
on the `bpm`. By default the `bpm` is the BPM the midi file was exported at.
function ms_per_tick(midi::MIDI.MIDIFile, bpm::Int = BPM(MIDI))
tpq = midi.timedivision
tpq = midi.tpq
tick_ms = (1000*60)/(bpm*tpq)

getnotes(midi::MIDIFile, trackno = 2) = getnotes(midi.tracks[trackno], midi.tpq)

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