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implement Memory{T} as a new backend for Array{T}
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TODO: add more tests for Memory specifically
TODO: add to julia-licm the gc_loaded
TODO: make sure all tests are passing (updated as needed)
TODO: write API documentation for Memory (as needed) and devdoc updates (as needed)
TODO: test Memory owner relationship (avoid implied unalias copy) of Memory in staticdata
TODO: can we detect ownership for dataids for more accurate range checking?
TODO: add memoryowner intrinsic (since this is a hidden field)
TODO: add memoryoffset intrinsic (since this is computed better with exact idiv)
TODO: implement dataids for Memory aliasing check and fix dataids for Array

also makes memory allocation ccalls safer, for catching Serialization
and deepcopy bugs in packages.

more things to do

TODO: rename ptr to ptr_or_offset
TODO: don't mutate Memory length when making a String, but set Array ref field to empty Memory
TODO: add alias `AtomicMemory{T} = GenericMemory{:atomic,T}`
TODO: document jl_memoryt_slice
TODO: add AddrSpace::Int parameter to GenericMemory

Future possible kinds of possible Memories:
GenericMemory{:atomic, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:not_atomic, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:unsync, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:normal, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:default, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:racy, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:local, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:const, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:ntuple, 0, Int}
GenericMemory{:value, 0, Int}
  • Loading branch information
vtjnash committed Sep 14, 2023
1 parent bdd3ffd commit 233a7c4
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Showing 103 changed files with 5,034 additions and 3,252 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion base/Base.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ using Core.Intrinsics, Core.IR
const _included_files = Array{Tuple{Module,String},1}(Core.undef, 1)
function include(mod::Module, path::String)
ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), _included_files, UInt(1))
Core.arrayset(true, _included_files, (mod, ccall(:jl_prepend_cwd, Any, (Any,), path)), arraylen(_included_files))
len = getfield(_included_files.size, 1)
Core.arrayset(true, _included_files, (mod, ccall(:jl_prepend_cwd, Any, (Any,), path)), len)
ccall(:jl_uv_flush, Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing},), Core.io_pointer(Core.stdout))
Core.include(mod, path)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +187,7 @@ include("strings/lazy.jl")

# array structures
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1285,8 +1285,6 @@ function getindex(A::AbstractArray, I...)
error_if_canonical_getindex(IndexStyle(A), A, I...)
_getindex(IndexStyle(A), A, to_indices(A, I)...)
# To avoid invalidations from multidimensional.jl: getindex(A::Array, i1::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}, I::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}...)
@propagate_inbounds getindex(A::Array, i1::Integer, I::Integer...) = A[to_indices(A, (i1, I...))...]

@inline unsafe_getindex(A::AbstractArray, I...) = @inbounds getindex(A, I...)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1526,7 +1524,8 @@ their component parts. A typical definition for an array that wraps a parent is
`Base.dataids(C::CustomArray) = dataids(C.parent)`.
dataids(A::AbstractArray) = (UInt(objectid(A)),)
dataids(A::Array) = (UInt(pointer(A)),)
dataids(A::Memory) = (UInt(pointer(A)),)
dataids(A::Array) = dataids(A.ref.mem)
dataids(::AbstractRange) = ()
dataids(x) = ()

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244 changes: 223 additions & 21 deletions base/array.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ const DenseVecOrMat{T} = Union{DenseVector{T}, DenseMatrix{T}}

## Basic functions ##

using Core: arraysize, arrayset, const_arrayref
using Core: arraysize, arrayset, arrayref, const_arrayref

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ function _unsetindex!(A::Array{T}, i::Int) where {T}

# TODO: deprecate this (aligned_sizeof and/or elsize and/or sizeof(Some{T}) are more correct)
Base.bitsunionsize(U::Union) -> Int
Expand All @@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ function bitsunionsize(u::Union)
return sz

elsize(@nospecialize _::Type{A}) where {T,A<:Array{T}} = aligned_sizeof(T)
elsize(::Type{A}) where {T,A<:Array{T}} = aligned_sizeof(T)
function elsize(::Type{Ptr{T}}) where T
# this only must return something valid for values which satisfy is_valid_intrinsic_elptr(T),
# which includes Any and most concrete datatypes
Expand All @@ -261,15 +262,23 @@ function elsize(::Type{Ptr{T}}) where T
return LLT_ALIGN(Core.sizeof(T), datatype_alignment(T))
elsize(::Type{Union{}}, slurp...) = 0
sizeof(a::Array) = Core.sizeof(a)

sizeof(a::Array) = length(a) * elsize(typeof(a)) # TODO(jwn): add bitsunion bytes?

function isassigned(a::Array, i::Int...)
@boundscheck checkbounds(Bool, a, i...) || return false
ii = (_sub2ind(size(a), i...) % UInt) - 1
ccall(:jl_array_isassigned, Cint, (Any, UInt), a, ii) == 1
ii = _sub2ind(size(a), i...)
return @inbounds isassigned(memoryref(a.ref, ii, false))

function isassigned(a::Vector, i::Int) # slight compiler simplification for the most common case
@boundscheck checkbounds(Bool, a, i) || return false
return @inbounds isassigned(memoryref(a.ref, i, false))

## copy ##

Expand All @@ -291,9 +300,12 @@ end

function _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n)
# use pointer math to determine if they are deemed to alias
destp = pointer(dest, doffs)
srcp = pointer(src, soffs)
@inbounds if destp < srcp || destp > srcp + n
endp = pointer(src, soffs + n - 1)
@inbounds if destp < srcp || destp > endp
for i = 1:n
if isassigned(src, soffs + i - 1)
dest[doffs + i - 1] = src[soffs + i - 1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,6 +336,7 @@ that N is inbounds on either array. Incorrect usage may corrupt or segfault your
the same manner as C.
function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array{T}, doffs, src::Array{T}, soffs, n) where T
t1 = @_gc_preserve_begin dest
t2 = @_gc_preserve_begin src
destp = pointer(dest, doffs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1063,24 +1076,188 @@ function setindex!(A::Array{T}, X::Array{T}, c::Colon) where T
return A

# efficiently grow an array
# Pick new memory size for efficiently growing an array
# TODO: This should know about the size of our GC pools
# Specifically we are wasting ~10% of memory for small arrays
# by not picking memory sizes that max out a GC pool
function overallocation(maxsize)
maxsize < 8 && return 8;
# compute maxsize = maxsize + 4*maxsize^(7/8) + maxsize/8
# for small n, we grow faster than O(n)
# for large n, we grow at O(n/8)
# and as we reach O(memory) for memory>>1MB,
# this means we end by adding about 10% of memory each time
exp2 = sizeof(maxsize) * 8 - Core.Intrinsics.ctlz_int(maxsize)
maxsize += (1 << div(exp2 * 7, 8)) * 4 + div(maxsize, 8)
return maxsize

function array_new_memory(mem::Memory{T}, newlen::Int) where T
if ccall(:jl_mem_owner, Any, (Memory{T},), mem) isa String
# if data is in a String, keep it that way
# TODO: use jl_gc_expand_string(oldstr, newlen)?
str = _string_n(newlen)
return ccall(:jl_string_to_genericmemory, Memory{T}, (Any,), str)
# TODO: when implimented, this should use a memory growing call
mem = Memory{T}(undef, newlen)
return mem

_growbeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) =
ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
_growend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) =
ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
_growat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) =
ccall(:jl_array_grow_at, Cvoid, (Any, Int, UInt), a, i - 1, delta)
function _growbeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer)
delta = Int(delta)
delta == 0 && return # avoid attempting to index off the end
delta >= 0 || throw(ArgumentError("grow requires delta >= 0"))
ref = a.ref
mem = ref.mem
len = length(a)
offset = memoffset(ref)
newlen = len + delta
a.size = (newlen,)
# if offset is far enough advanced to fit data in existing memory without copying
if delta <= offset
a.ref = MemoryRef(ref, 1 - delta, false)
@noinline (function()
memlen = length(mem)
# since we will allocate the array in the middle of the memory we need at least 2*delta extra space
# the +1 is because I didn't want to have an off by 1 error.
newmemlen = max(overallocation(memlen), len+2*delta+1)
newoffset = div(newmemlen - newlen, 2)
# If there is extra data after the end of the array we can use that space so long as there is enough
# space at the end that there won't be quadratic behavior with a mix of growth from both ends.
# Specifically, we want to ensure that we will only do this operation once before
# increasing the size of the array, and that we leave enough space at both the benining and the end.
if newoffset + newlen + 1 < memlen
newoffset = div(memlen - newlen, 2)
newmem = mem
newmem = array_new_memory(mem, newmemlen)
if len > 0
unsafe_copyto!(newmem, newoffset+delta+1, mem, offset+1, len)
a.ref = MemoryRef(newmem, newoffset+1, false)

# efficiently delete part of an array
function _growend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer)
delta = Int(delta)
delta >= 0 || throw(ArgumentError("grow requires delta >= 0"))
ref = a.ref
mem = ref.mem
memlen = length(mem)
len = length(a)
newlen = len + delta
offset = memoffset(ref)
a.size = (newlen,)
newmemlen = offset + newlen
if memlen < newmemlen
@noinline (function()
if offset > div(5*newlen, 4)
# If the offset is far enough that we can copy without resizing
# while maintaining proportional spacing on both ends of the array
# note that this branch prevents infinite growth when doing combinations
# of push! and popfirst! (i.e. when using a Vector as a queue)
newmem = mem
newoffset = div(newlen, 8)
# grow either by our computed overallocation factor
# or exactly the requested size, whichever is larger
# TODO we should possibly increase the offset if the current offset is nonzero,
newmemlen2 = max(overallocation(memlen), newmemlen)
newmem = array_new_memory(mem, newmemlen2)
newoffset = offset
if len > 0
unsafe_copyto!(newmem, newoffset+1, mem, offset+1, len)
a.ref = MemoryRef(newmem, newoffset+1, false)

_deletebeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) =
ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
_deleteend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) =
ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
_deleteat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) =
ccall(:jl_array_del_at, Cvoid, (Any, Int, UInt), a, i - 1, delta)
function _growat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
delta = Int(delta)
i == 1 && return _growbeg!(a, delta)
len = length(a)
i == len + 1 && return _growend!(a, delta)
delta >= 0 || throw(ArgumentError("grow requires delta >= 0"))
1 < i <= len || throw(BoundsError(a, i))
ref = a.ref
mem = ref.mem
memlen = length(mem)
newlen = len + delta
offset = memoffset(ref)
a.size = (newlen,)
newmemlen = offset + newlen

# which side would we rather grow into?
prefer_start = i <= div(len, 2)
# if offset is far enough advanced to fit data in begining of the memory
if prefer_start && delta <= offset
a.ref = MemoryRef(mem, offset-delta+1, false)
unsafe_copyto!(mem, offset-delta+1, mem, offset+1, i)
elseif !prefer_start && memlen >= newmemlen
unsafe_copyto!(mem, offset+delta+i, mem, offset+i, len-i+1)
# since we will allocate the array in the middle of the memory we need at least 2*delta extra space
# the +1 is because I didn't want to have an off by 1 error.
newmemlen = max(overallocation(memlen), len+2*delta+1)
newoffset = (newmemlen - newlen) ÷ 2
newmem = array_new_memory(mem, newmemlen)
a.ref = MemoryRef(newmem, newoffset+1, false)
unsafe_copyto!(newmem, newoffset+1, mem, offset+1, i)
unsafe_copyto!(newmem, newoffset+delta+i, mem, offset+i, len-i+1)

# efficiently delete part of an array
function _deletebeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer)
delta = Int(delta)
len = length(a)
0 <= delta <= len || throw(ArgumentError("_deleteat! requires delta in 0:length(a)"))
for i in 1:delta
_unsetindex!(a, i)
newlen = len - delta
if newlen != 0 # if newlen==0 we could accidentally index past the memory
a.ref = MemoryRef(a.ref, delta + 1, false)
a.size = (newlen,)
function _deleteend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer)
delta = Int(delta)
len = length(a)
0 <= delta <= len || throw(ArgumentError("_deleteat! requires delta in 0:length(a)"))
newlen = len - delta
for i in newlen+1:len
_unsetindex!(a, i)
a.size = (newlen,)
function _deleteat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
i = Int(i)
len = length(a)
0 <= delta || throw(ArgumentError("_deleteat! requires delta >= 0"))
1 <= i <= len || throw(BoundsError(a, i))
i + delta <= len + 1 || throw(BoundsError(a, i + delta - 1))
newa = a
if 2*i + delta <= len
unsafe_copyto!(newa, 1 + delta, a, 1, i - 1)
_deletebeg!(a, delta)
unsafe_copyto!(newa, i, a, i + delta, len + 1 - delta - i)
_deleteend!(a, delta)
## Dequeue functionality ##

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1347,7 +1524,32 @@ function sizehint! end

function sizehint!(a::Vector, sz::Integer)
ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, sz)
return a
#=n = length(a)
len = length(a)
ref = a.ref
mem = ref.mem
memlen = length(mem)
newlen = len + delta
offset = memoffset(ref)
elsz = jl_array_elsize(a)
if (elsz == 0)
return a
sz = max(sz, offset+len)
if sz <= memlen
size_t dec = memlen - sz;
# if we don't save at least an eighth of maxsize then its not worth it to shrink
if dec <= div(memlen, 8)
return a
jl_array_shrink(a, dec)
inc = sz - len;
_growend(a, inc);
a.size = (len,)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/bitset.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ mutable struct BitSet <: AbstractSet{Int}
# 1st stored Int equals 64*offset

BitSet() = new(resize!(Vector{UInt64}(undef, 4), 0), NO_OFFSET)
BitSet() = new(Vector{UInt64}(MemoryRef(Memory{UInt64}(undef, 4)), (0,)), NO_OFFSET)

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