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temporarily reintegrate GNNGraphs tests (#449)
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* add back GNNGraph tests

* reintegrate extensions

* don't use DeviceUtils

* import Flux
  • Loading branch information
CarloLucibello authored Jul 22, 2024
1 parent b1e5669 commit a590094
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Showing 20 changed files with 2,016 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ext/GraphNeuralNetworksCUDAExt/GNNGraphs/query.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

GNNGraphs._rand_dense_vector(A::CUMAT_T) = CUDA.randn(size(A, 1))
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ext/GraphNeuralNetworksCUDAExt/GNNGraphs/transform.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

GNNGraphs.dense_zeros_like(a::CUMAT_T, T::Type, sz = size(a)) = CUDA.zeros(T, sz)
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions ext/GraphNeuralNetworksCUDAExt/GNNGraphs/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

GNNGraphs.iscuarray(x::AnyCuArray) = true

function sort_edge_index(u::AnyCuArray, v::AnyCuArray)
#TODO proper cuda friendly implementation
sort_edge_index(u |> Flux.cpu, v |> Flux.cpu) |> Flux.gpu
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions ext/GraphNeuralNetworksCUDAExt/GraphNeuralNetworksCUDAExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import GraphNeuralNetworks: propagate

const CUMAT_T = Union{CUDA.AnyCuMatrix, CUDA.CUSPARSE.CuSparseMatrix}


end #module
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module GraphNeuralNetworksSimpleWeightedGraphsExt

using GraphNeuralNetworks
using Graphs
using SimpleWeightedGraphs

function GraphNeuralNetworks.GNNGraph(g::T; kws...) where
{T <: Union{SimpleWeightedGraph, SimpleWeightedDiGraph}}
return GNNGraph(g.weights, kws...)

end #module
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/GNNGraphs/GNNGraphs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ using Graphs: AbstractGraph, outneighbors, inneighbors, adjacency_matrix, degree
has_self_loops, is_directed
import NearestNeighbors
import NNlib
import Flux
using Flux: batch
import StatsBase
import KrylovKit
using ChainRulesCore
Expand Down
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/GNNGraphs/transform.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1126,10 +1126,13 @@ function negative_sample(g::GNNGraph;

s, t = edge_index(g)
n = g.num_nodes
device = get_device(s)
cdevice = cpu_device()
# Convert to gpu since set operations and sampling are not supported by CUDA.jl
s, t = cdevice(s), cdevice(t)
if iscuarray(s)
# Convert to gpu since set operations and sampling are not supported by CUDA.jl
device = Flux.gpu
s, t = Flux.cpu(s), Flux.cpu(t)
device = Flux.cpu
idx_pos, maxid = edge_encoding(s, t, n)
if bidirected
num_neg_edges = num_neg_edges ÷ 2
Expand All @@ -1156,6 +1159,7 @@ function negative_sample(g::GNNGraph;
return GNNGraph(s_neg, t_neg, num_nodes = n) |> device

rand_edge_split(g::GNNGraph, frac; bidirected=is_bidirected(g)) -> g1, g2
Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions test/GNNGraphs/chainrules.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
@testset "dict constructor" begin
grad = gradient(1.) do x
d = Dict([:x => x, :y => 5]...)
return sum(d[:x].^2)

@test grad == 2

## BROKEN Constructors
# grad = gradient(1.) do x
# d = Dict([(:x => x), (:y => 5)])
# return sum(d[:x].^2)
# end[1]

# @test grad == 2

# grad = gradient(1.) do x
# d = Dict([(:x => x), (:y => 5)])
# return sum(d[:x].^2)
# end[1]

# @test grad == 2
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/GNNGraphs/convert.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
@testset "to_coo(dense) on gpu" begin
get_st(A) = GNNGraphs.to_coo(A)[1][1:2]
get_val(A) = GNNGraphs.to_coo(A)[1][3]

A = cu([0 2 2; 2.0 0 2; 2 2 0])

y = get_val(A)
@test y isa CuVector{Float32}
@test Array(y) [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

s, t = get_st(A)
@test s isa CuVector{<:Integer}
@test t isa CuVector{<:Integer}
@test Array(s) == [2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2]
@test Array(t) == [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]

@test gradient(A -> sum(get_val(A)), A)[1] isa CuMatrix{Float32}
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions test/GNNGraphs/datastore.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@

@testset "constructor" begin
@test_throws AssertionError DataStore(10, (:x => rand(10), :y => rand(2, 4)))

@testset "keyword args" begin
ds = DataStore(10, x = rand(10), y = rand(2, 10))
@test size(ds.x) == (10,)
@test size(ds.y) == (2, 10)

ds = DataStore(x = rand(10), y = rand(2, 10))
@test size(ds.x) == (10,)
@test size(ds.y) == (2, 10)

@testset "getproperty / setproperty!" begin
x = rand(10)
ds = DataStore(10, (:x => x, :y => rand(2, 10)))
@test ds.x == ds[:x] == x
@test_throws DimensionMismatch ds.z=rand(12)
ds.z = [1:10;]
@test ds.z == [1:10;]
vec = [DataStore(10, (:x => x,)), DataStore(10, (:x => x, :y => rand(2, 10)))]
@test vec.x == [x, x]
@test_throws KeyError vec.z
@test vec._n == [10, 10]
@test vec._data == [Dict(:x => x), Dict(:x => x, :y => vec[2].y)]

@testset "setindex!" begin
ds = DataStore(10)
x = rand(10)
@test (ds[:x] = x) == x # Tests setindex!
@test ds.x == ds[:x] == x

@testset "map" begin
ds = DataStore(10, (:x => rand(10), :y => rand(2, 10)))
ds2 = map(x -> x .+ 1, ds)
@test ds2.x == ds.x .+ 1
@test ds2.y == ds.y .+ 1

@test_throws AssertionError ds2=map(x -> [x; x], ds)

@testset "getdata / getn" begin
ds = DataStore(10, (:x => rand(10), :y => rand(2, 10)))
@test getdata(ds) == getfield(ds, :_data)
@test_throws KeyError
@test getn(ds) == getfield(ds, :_n)
@test_throws KeyError ds.n

@testset "cat empty" begin
ds1 = DataStore(2, (:x => rand(2)))
ds2 = DataStore(1, (:x => rand(1)))
dsempty = DataStore(0, (:x => rand(0)))

ds = GNNGraphs.cat_features(ds1, ds2)
@test getn(ds) == 3
ds = GNNGraphs.cat_features(ds1, dsempty)
@test getn(ds) == 2

# issue #280
g = GNNGraph([1], [2])
h = add_edges(g, Int[], Int[]) # adds no edges
@test getn(g.edata) == 1
@test getn(h.edata) == 1

@testset "gradient" begin
ds = DataStore(10, (:x => rand(10), :y => rand(2, 10)))

f1(ds) = sum(ds.x)
grad = gradient(f1, ds)[1]
@test grad._data[:x] ngradient(f1, ds)[1][:x]

g = rand_graph(5, 2)
x = rand(2, 5)
grad = gradient(x -> sum(exp, GNNGraph(g, ndata = x).ndata.x), x)[1]
@test grad == exp.(x)

@testset "functor" begin
ds = DataStore(10, (:x => zeros(10), :y => ones(2, 10)))
p, re = Functors.functor(ds)
@test p[1] === getn(ds)
@test p[2] === getdata(ds)
@test ds == re(p)

ds2 = Functors.fmap(ds) do x
if x isa AbstractArray
x .+ 1
@test ds isa DataStore
@test ds2.x == ds.x .+ 1
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions test/GNNGraphs/generate.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
@testset "rand_graph" begin
n, m = 10, 20
m2 = m ÷ 2
x = rand(3, n)
e = rand(4, m2)

g = rand_graph(n, m, ndata = x, edata = e, graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_nodes == n
@test g.num_edges == m
@test g.ndata.x === x
if GRAPH_T == :coo
s, t = edge_index(g)
@test s[1:m2] == t[(m2 + 1):end]
@test t[1:m2] == s[(m2 + 1):end]
@test g.edata.e[:, 1:m2] == e
@test g.edata.e[:, (m2 + 1):end] == e

g = rand_graph(n, m, bidirected = false, seed = 17, graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_nodes == n
@test g.num_edges == m

g2 = rand_graph(n, m, bidirected = false, seed = 17, graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test edge_index(g2) == edge_index(g)

ew = rand(m2)
g = rand_graph(n, m, bidirected = true, seed = 17, graph_type = GRAPH_T, edge_weight = ew)
@test get_edge_weight(g) == [ew; ew] broken=(GRAPH_T != :coo)

ew = rand(m)
g = rand_graph(n, m, bidirected = false, seed = 17, graph_type = GRAPH_T, edge_weight = ew)
@test get_edge_weight(g) == ew broken=(GRAPH_T != :coo)

@testset "knn_graph" begin
n, k = 10, 3
x = rand(3, n)
g = knn_graph(x, k; graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_nodes == 10
@test g.num_edges == n * k
@test degree(g, dir = :in) == fill(k, n)
@test has_self_loops(g) == false

g = knn_graph(x, k; dir = :out, self_loops = true, graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_nodes == 10
@test g.num_edges == n * k
@test degree(g, dir = :out) == fill(k, n)
@test has_self_loops(g) == true

graph_indicator = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
g = knn_graph(x, k; graph_indicator, graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_graphs == 2
s, t = edge_index(g)
ne = n * k ÷ 2
@test all(1 .<= s[1:ne] .<= 5)
@test all(1 .<= t[1:ne] .<= 5)
@test all(6 .<= s[(ne + 1):end] .<= 10)
@test all(6 .<= t[(ne + 1):end] .<= 10)

@testset "radius_graph" begin
n, r = 10, 0.5
x = rand(3, n)
g = radius_graph(x, r; graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_nodes == 10
@test has_self_loops(g) == false

g = radius_graph(x, r; dir = :out, self_loops = true, graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_nodes == 10
@test has_self_loops(g) == true

graph_indicator = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
g = radius_graph(x, r; graph_indicator, graph_type = GRAPH_T)
@test g.num_graphs == 2
s, t = edge_index(g)
@test (s .> 5) == (t .> 5)

@testset "rand_bipartite_heterograph" begin
g = rand_bipartite_heterograph(10, 15, 20)
@test g.num_nodes == Dict(:A => 10, :B => 15)
@test g.num_edges == Dict((:A, :to, :B) => 20, (:B, :to, :A) => 20)
sA, tB = edge_index(g, (:A, :to, :B))
for (s, t) in zip(sA, tB)
@test 1 <= s <= 10
@test 1 <= t <= 15
@test has_edge(g, (:A,:to,:B), s, t)
@test has_edge(g, (:B,:to,:A), t, s)

g = rand_bipartite_heterograph((2, 2), (4, 0), bidirected=false)
@test has_edge(g, (:A,:to,:B), 1, 1)
@test !has_edge(g, (:B,:to,:A), 1, 1)

@testset "rand_temporal_radius_graph" begin
number_nodes = 30
number_snapshots = 5
r = 0.1
speed = 0.1
tg = rand_temporal_radius_graph(number_nodes, number_snapshots, speed, r)
@test tg.num_nodes == [number_nodes for i in 1:number_snapshots]
@test tg.num_snapshots == number_snapshots
r2 = 0.95
tg2 = rand_temporal_radius_graph(number_nodes, number_snapshots, speed, r2)
@test mean(mean(degree.(tg.snapshots)))<=mean(mean(degree.(tg2.snapshots)))

@testset "rand_temporal_hyperbolic_graph" begin
@test GraphNeuralNetworks.GNNGraphs._hyperbolic_distance([1.0,1.0],[1.0,1.0];ζ=1)==0
@test GraphNeuralNetworks.GNNGraphs._hyperbolic_distance([0.23,0.11],[0.98,0.55];ζ=1)==GraphNeuralNetworks.GNNGraphs._hyperbolic_distance([0.98,0.55],[0.23,0.11];ζ=1)
number_nodes = 30
number_snapshots = 5
α, R, speed, ζ = 1, 1, 0.1, 1

tg = rand_temporal_hyperbolic_graph(number_nodes, number_snapshots; α, R, speed, ζ)
@test tg.num_nodes == [number_nodes for i in 1:number_snapshots]
@test tg.num_snapshots == number_snapshots
R = 10
tg1 = rand_temporal_hyperbolic_graph(number_nodes, number_snapshots; α, R, speed, ζ)
@test mean(mean(degree.(tg1.snapshots)))<=mean(mean(degree.(tg.snapshots)))

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