fix append! iterable to MutableLinkedList #220
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146 docstrings not included in the manual:
DataStructures.reset! :: Union{Tuple{V}, Tuple{Accumulator{<:Any, V}, Any}} where V
DataStructures.popmax! :: Tuple{BinaryMinMaxHeap}
DataStructures.popmax! :: Tuple{BinaryMinMaxHeap, Integer}
DataStructures.find_root! :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{IntDisjointSet{T}, T}} where T<:Integer
DataStructures.find_root! :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{DisjointSet{T}, T}} where T
DataStructures.dec! :: Tuple{Accumulator, Any, Number}
DataStructures.dec! :: Union{Tuple{FenwickTree, Integer}, Tuple{FenwickTree, Integer, Any}}
DataStructures.heappush! :: Union{Tuple{AbstractArray, Any}, Tuple{AbstractArray, Any, Base.Order.Ordering}}
Base.length :: Tuple{BinaryHeap}
Base.length :: Tuple{CircularBuffer}
DataStructures.extract_all_rev! :: Union{Tuple{AbstractHeap{VT}}, Tuple{VT}} where VT
DataStructures.SortedMultiDict :: Union{Tuple{}, Tuple{Ord}, Tuple{D}, Tuple{K}} where {K, D, Ord<:Base.Order.Ordering}
DataStructures.SortedMultiDict :: Union{Tuple{D}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{Val{true}, Any}} where {K, D}
DataStructures.nlargest :: Tuple{Int64, AbstractVector}
DataStructures.nlargest :: Tuple{Accumulator}
DataStructures.find_prefixes :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{Trie, T}} where T
Base.empty! :: Union{Tuple{RobinDict{K, V}}, Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}} where {K, V}
Base.empty! :: Union{Tuple{OrderedRobinDict{K, V}}, Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}} where {K, V}
Base.empty! :: Union{Tuple{SwissDict{K, V}}, Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}} where {K, V}
Base.empty! :: Tuple{CircularBuffer}
DataStructures.capacity :: Tuple{CircularBuffer}
DataStructures.capacity :: Tuple{CircularDeque}
Base.empty :: Union{Tuple{SortedMultiDict{K, D, Ord}}, Tuple{Ord}, Tuple{D}, Tuple{K}} where {K, D, Ord<:Base.Order.Ordering}
Base.empty :: Union{Tuple{SortedSet{K, Ord}}, Tuple{U}, Tuple{Ord}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{SortedSet{K, Ord}, Type{U}}} where {K, Ord<:Base.Order.Ordering, U}
Base.empty :: Union{Tuple{SortedDict{K, D, Ord}}, Tuple{Ord}, Tuple{D}, Tuple{K}} where {K, D, Ord<:Base.Order.Ordering}
DataStructures.search_node :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Base.eltype :: Union{Tuple{SortedMultiDict{K, D, Ord}}, Tuple{Ord}, Tuple{D}, Tuple{K}} where {K, D, Ord<:Base.Order.Ordering}! :: Tuple{Accumulator, Any, Number}! :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{FenwickTree{T}, Integer}, Tuple{FenwickTree{T}, Integer, Any}} where T
DataStructures.left_rotate! :: Tuple{RBTree, DataStructures.RBTreeNode}
Base.append! :: Tuple{CircularBuffer, AbstractVector}
DataStructures.delete_fix :: Tuple{RBTree, Union{Nothing, DataStructures.RBTreeNode}}
DataStructures.minimum_node :: Tuple{RBTree, DataStructures.RBTreeNode}
Base.get :: Union{Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{OrderedRobinDict{K, V}, Any, Any}} where {K, V}
Base.get :: Union{Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{SwissDict{K, V}, Any, Any}} where {K, V}
Base.get :: Union{Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{Union{Function, Type}, RobinDict{K, V}, Any}} where {K, V}
Base.get :: Union{Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{RobinDict{K, V}, Any, Any}} where {K, V}
Base.get :: Union{Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{Union{Function, Type}, OrderedRobinDict{K, V}, Any}} where {K, V}
Base.get :: Union{Tuple{V}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{Union{Function, Type}, SwissDict{K, V}, Any}} where {K, V}
Base.merge :: Tuple{Accumulator, Vararg{Accumulator}}
Base.merge :: Union{Tuple{Ord}, Tuple{D}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{SortedMultiDict{K, D, Ord}, Vararg{Any}}} where {K, D, Ord<:Base.Order.Ordering}
Base.merge :: Union{Tuple{Ord}, Tuple{D}, Tuple{K}, Tuple{SortedDict{K, D, Ord}, Vararg{AbstractDict{K, D}}}} where {K, D, Ord<:Base.Order.Ordering}
Base.fill! :: Tuple{CircularBuffer, Any}
Base.setindex! :: Tuple{CircularBuffer, Any, Int64}
Base.popfirst! :: Tuple{CircularBuffer}
Base.popfirst! :: Tuple{CircularDeque}
DataStructures.CircularDeque :: Union{Tuple{Int64}, Tuple{T}} where T
Base.delete! :: Union{Tuple{K}, Tuple{RBTree{K}, K}} where K
Base.delete! :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{MutableBinaryHeap{T}, Int64}