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Abridged History of the Orion Arm

John Candlebury edited this page Jan 20, 2022 · 11 revisions

As written from an in universe perspective.

Earthbound Epoch and Early Space Age (1900-2080)

Currently, most of the historical records of the Early Space Age have been lost since the Discontinuity; however, careful reconstruction of what archives do remain, both on Earth and the oldest colonies, allows the patient researcher to put together a rudimentary timeline. Most of this information is considered largely irrelevant to the majority of the population, though, due to how far-removed they are from Old Earth; only well-learned academics and the occasional eccentric care enough to know the gritty details.

  • It is unknown which event transpired first; the colonization of the solar system, or the inauguration of the first solar corporations but what is known however is that during this time through a coalition of governments chartered and approved the first solar corporations, using esoteric names like “NASA”, “United Nations Space Committee”, “Kosmicheskava programma SSSR”, and “Soviet TsKBEM.”
  • During this time, the colonization of the solar system began as well, using chemical propellant rockets, both ancient governments and the solar corporations spearheaded the colonization of the 8 planets, myriad of satellites, and asteroid belt.
  • Near the end of the Early Space Age, the hyperspace anomaly is first detected by gravitational wave observatories within the solar system.

The Hyperspace Expansion (2080-2150)

During the Hyperspace Expansion age, Humanity develops the first FTL drive, the Superluminal Engine, exploiting the hyperspace anomaly. The Superluminal Engine allowed for the quick exploration and colonization of the Orion Arm. Occurring in this time as well accompanied many advances using the underlying hyperspace anomaly, ranging from hyperspace computing to hyper intelligent AI systems which greatly propelled the technological advances in the last decades before the Discontinuity.

  • Near the start of the Hyperspace Expansion in 2082 the first successful test for the Superluminal Engine occurred, and the first man-made object, an autonomous probe was launched and reaches Alpha Centauri.
  • A massive colonization craze occurs as systems are claimed by governments, solar corporations, IGO, and NGO and colonized.
  • Near the middle of the colonization craze in 2102, the Whately Corporation claims the Salus System and begins building a science outpost on the viable planets.
  • In the end of the Hyperspace Expansion in 2110, the first hyper intelligent AI system is turned on, after years of testing. The model and construction is subsequently copied and constructed in several urban systems, which lead to massive increases in the living standard and greatly accelerating research and aiding in governmental bureaucratic work.

The discontinuity (2152-2475)

During the Discontinuity, the hyperspace anomaly, once thought to be a fundamental principle and stable for use disappears suddenly. In a matter of seconds, the vast infrastructure that allowed an extra-solar civilization is gone, and large swaths of people and organizations have to deal with not only isolation, but the collapse of their way of life.

  • In 2152 The Hyperspace anomaly suddenly disappears, and trade routes, research, and governments collapse as not only the exchange of information and materials via FTL ships or FTL communication is no longer possible, and the AI systems once used to make the vast bureaucratic networks in governments possible no longer worked.
  • Earth and the other home colonies descend into civil unrest, chaos, and war. Many solar corporations, governments, and organizations collapse during this time, along with vast amounts of archives and history being lost. Earth is rendered inhospitable due to the lack of trade of necessary resources.
  • The USSR collapses during this time, and many of its design bureaus that have spearheaded and influenced the early colonization efforts go with it. The USSR, and many other governments and organizations only survive by extra-solar colonies.
  • An uncountable number go missing, presumed dead as they are rendered trap in the interstellar void, trapped with only sub-light engines.
  • In 2410 Key powers within the Solar System create the Ganymede Project, a research alliance whose goal is replicating the FTL technology built during the Hyperspace Expansion.

Reclamation to Present(2475-2530)

The members of the Ganymede Project create ESCA with the goal of restoring the united human civilization of the Hyperspace Expansion Age. Pursuing this goal, ESCA leads hundreds of exploration/colonization/conquest excursions and through diplomacy, guile or war, it manages to reclaim most human space in the span of 50 years. Very few extra solar polities prove powerful enough to resist ESCA and manage to retain their independence

  • In 2475 The Ganymede Project succeeds in creating a new FTL engine. However, the FTL communication technology of the Hyperspace Expansion proves impossible to replicate.
  • In 2482 Seeking to quell flaring conflicts during the recolonization of Alpha Centauri, the Ganymede Project is formalized into a deeper alliance, ESCA.
  • In 2498 The first humaniform robot is designed and deployed by Wraitheon. A few years later, the schematic is rented by ENIAC to make several heavily modified humaniforms for domestic use.
  • In 2525 Internal political friction within ESCA leads to a suspension of official reclamation efforts. Although by this date only the systems in the very fringes of human space remain uncontacted. Salus is among these uncontacted systems.
  • In 2528 A minor exploration company arrives to the Salus system. It confirms the total collapse of Hyperspace Expansion era colony within Salus IV, and in accordance with ESCA reclamation protocols the original owners of the colony: The Whately Corporation, and are contacted to pay the survey fee and reclaim the system.
  • In 2529 Uninterested in actively developing the Salus system, The Whately Corporation begins leasing development and exploitation permits and allows the establishment of minor ESCA outposts within Salus IV.
  • In 2529 Salus IV is quarantined. Rumors about the well preserved ruins found on the planet circulate and garner limited interest between scavengers in nearby sectors.
  • In 2530 The player accidentally or deliberately lands on Salus IV.