Simple scripts for getting car status from By Jeremy Laurenson Please include attribition if you reuse this kernel of code.
I use this to remind us at 8:30P if the car isnt charged up past 70% and isnt currently charging.
This is a very bare bones implimentation for someone else to take and run with. allows you to set up a single user license and go query their api (300 times a month) for your car data. This, for VW cars, includes battery and charging status.
To get this working:
- Install the smartcar library for python by executing: pip install smartcar
- Install the pickle library for python by executing: pip install pickle
- Go to and sign up for an account
- On create a new application, and note the client id and client secret.
- *.py files put your client id and secret into the appropriate areas (I know about includes but I rushed this)
- Execute in order to get an authentiction URL. This would normally be the URL you would send your user to.
- Copy and paste that URL into your browser, but be sure to change the "test" mode to "live" mode in the URL it returns eg:
This will take you through the user authentication phase and allow you to select your car and authorize your app to read it and redirect you to a new URL... with a 'code' part...the code part of that url is what youre looking for - 7... Edit the file and use the returned CODE part of the URL to populate the 'put code here' section
- 8... Execute This will save the authentication and refresh tokens used to access your car via from here on out.
- 9... Execute at least once every 2 hours to exchange your authen tication tokens for fresh ones.
- 10.. Execute to go get the charge status and battery charge level from your car. I do this at 8:30PM each day to check that its plugged in and charging