Vieb 4.5.0
- Add setting "quitonlasttabclose" to quit Vieb when closing the last tab instead of opening an empty tab
- Add Vimium-inspired and Tridactyl-inspired example viebrc configs to the help page
- Add support for video and audio context menu actions
- Add suggestions for typos in the context menu under the new group "Suggestions"
- Add action "menuOpen" to open the menu for the currently active insert mode element (or simply at the pointer location)
- Context menu is now grouped by category to make different types of actions more clear
- Renderer process now uses modules for faster and more reliable code
- Adblocker now updates by making regular web requests from the main partition instead of using the Node request module
- Improve reliability of "clickOnSearch" when zooming or scrolling
- Suggestions will now also appear when commands or urls are typed out using mappings
- Insert mode with multiple keys are now correctly blocked from their native function, and are repeated properly if the mapping isn't finished
- Native navbar actions (such as "End") are now implemented by Vieb itself so they can be referenced by recursive mappings
- Fix for the adblocker updating twice at the startup when it's set to "update"
- Fix windows focus issues on Windows when closing popups or starting Vieb
- Fix missing title and icon for suspended special pages
- Fix mappings containing numbers not being able to override the repeat counter
- Fix file suggestions not working for partial matches for the last two releases
- Fix extension remove command suggesting the full path instead of the id on Windows
- Fix file explorer not working on Windows
- Fix clearonquit-type settings not always working in released builds
- Electron 12.0.5 (was 12.0.4)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.128 (was 89.0.4389.114)
For more details see the CHANGELOG.
For startup help see the frequently asked questions.