Enhances html-webpack-plugin functionality by adding the
{custominject: true|false, styleplaceholder: 'style_placeholder_string', scriptplaceholder: 'script_placeholder_string'}
This is an extension plugin for the webpack plugin html-webpack-plugin - a plugin that simplifies the creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles.
You must be running webpack on node
Install the plugin with npm:
$ npm install --save-dev html-webpack-custominject-plugin
Require the plugin in your webpack config:
const HtmlWebpackCustomInjectPlugin = require('html-webpack-custominject-plugin');
Add the plugin to your webpack config as follows:
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
new HtmlWebpackCustomInjectPlugin()
The above configuration will actually do nothing due to the configuration defaults.
As soon as you now set custominject
to true
, inject
to false
, styleplaceholder
, scriptplaceholder
and template contain style_placeholder_string and script_placeholder_string, the generated output of the HtmlWebpackPlugin will
inject styles and scripts in specific location(by replace the placeholder_string). This is very useful if you want to custom inject style and scripts.
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
inject: false,
custominject: true,
styleplaceholder: 'style_placeholder_string',
scriptplaceholder: 'script_placeholder_string'
new HtmlWebpackCustomInjectPlugin()
Even if you generate multiple files make sure that you add the HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin only once:
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
inject: false,
custominject: true,
styleplaceholder: 'style_placeholder_string',
scriptplaceholder: 'script_placeholder_string'
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: 'demo.html',
inject: false,
custominject: true,
styleplaceholder: 'style_placeholder_string',
scriptplaceholder: 'script_placeholder_string'
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: 'test.html',
inject: false,
custominject: true,
styleplaceholder: 'style_placeholder_string',
scriptplaceholder: 'script_placeholder_string'
new HtmlWebpackCustomInjectPlugin()
This plugin does not actually perform custom injection in the following cases.
1、It will do nothing if the plugin configuration didn't set custominject
to true or set inject
2、It will do nothing if the plugin configuration didn't set styleplaceholder
or scriptplaceholder
, then will use html-webpack-plugin default inject
If you didn't set styleplaceholder
or scriptplaceholder
placeholder string in you temeplates, actually unable to implement custom injection.