Build pgpool-II + PostgreSQL streaming replication + pgpoolAdmin demo container.
All the ports of pgpool-II, pcp, PostgreSQL are exported to outside the container. Thus you could access them like "pgsql -h localhost -p 11000 -U postgres test" (access to pgpool)
You can ssh into the container and type psql to access the cluster (use "postgres" account. password is same as the account name). Clusters live under /var/lib/postgres/cluster. You can cd to the directory and type "pg_ctl -D data1 -m f stop" to test failover by letting down node 1 PostgreSQL for example.
Caution: This container is not suitable for production purpose.
Each subdirectory corresponds to each version.
Here are some sample images of pgpoolAdmin (the web GUI for pgpool-II) running in the container.