You can use Tally Connector to Integrate your desktop/Mobile Applications with Tally.
- Tally Prime
- Tally ERP9
- .Net Core 6.0 | .Net Core 5.0
- .Net Framework 4.8
- Visual Basic
This Library is complete abstraction for Tally XML API, Using this library you don't need to known or understand tally XML to interact with Tally.
Install-Package TallyConnector -Version 1.0.1
Intiate Tally in your Project
Using TallyConnector //Importing TallyConnector Library
//public Tally Tally = new Tally("http://localhost",9000); --You can Specify url and port on which tally is running
public Tally Ctally = new Tally(); //If Nothing is specified default url is localhost running on port 9000
//We can also Setup default Configuration using Setup method - Once setup you no need to explicitly send these through each methods
Ctally.Setup(URL,Port,CompName,fromDate,toDate); //URL and port are mandatory Fields
//Check() Returns true if tally is running
public bool status = await Ctally.Check(); // To check Whether Tally is running on Given url and port.
//GetCompaniesList() Returns List of companies opened in Tally
List<Company> CompaniesList = await Ctally.GetCompaniesList();
//FetchAllTallyData() will get all tally masters like Groups/Ledgers ...etc., in Tally.Masters
await Ctally.FetchAllTallyData("ABC Company");
//masterType can be Ledgers,Groups ... or any masters from Tally
string masterType = "Ledgers"
List<BasicTallyObject> LedgerMasters = Ctally.Masters.Find(master => master.MasterType == masterType).Masters;
//To Get Full Object from Tally use Specific methods like GetGroup, GetLedger, GetCostCategory,GetCostCenter ..etc.,
//For Ex. For getting Group by name
Group TGrp = await Ctally.GetGroup<Group>("TestGroup");
//To Create/Alter/Delete/Cancel Group,Ledger,Voucher from Tally use Specific methods like PostGroup, PostLedger, PostCostCategory,PostCostCenter ..etc.,
//For Ex. To create group
PResult result = await Ctally.PostGroup(new Group()
Name = "TestGroup",
Parent = "Sundry Debtors",
//For Ex. To Alter group we need to Set Group.Action to Delete and use the same method
PResult result = await Ctally.PostGroup(new Group()
OldName = "TestGroup",
Name = "TestGroup_Edited",
Parent = "Sundry Debtors",
Action = Action.Alter,
AddLAllocType = AdAllocType.NotApplicable,
//For Ex. To Delete group we need to Set Group.Action to Delete and use the same method
PResult result = await Ctally.PostGroup(new Group()
OldName = "TestGroup",
Action = Action.Delete,
Xmls used under the hood are listed here - PostMan Collection
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