I'm James,
I'm a generalist software developer interested in full stack app architectures.
I'm currently working on a query language for UI state management, and trying to understand datalog a bit better.
I recently rewrote a typed / structured router for web apps check it out
I help run Harth Systems.
- We maintain our own construction project management app Odin
- Build new products as partnerships
- And we do ad-hoc consulting too (postgres, web services, web apps)
I used to participate in game jams but I haven't done that for a long time, still I find game jams have been great for learning how to scope and finish projects, so I'd like to get back into that eventually.
I'm always up for a chat, so hit me up and ask me anything!
If you like, you can follow my work on my website https://james-forbes.com.
- 📖 Using DuckDB to parse and process directories of metadata and JSON into well formatted mdx files: https://james-forbes.com/posts/cohost-export
- 📖 On Streams being an all round better abstraction than React's Hooks: https://james-forbes.com/posts/hooks-and-streams
- 🔍 Check out my clean room implementation of S.js - a research project to understand it better.
- 🧝 If you have questions relating to mithril.js / web app development hit me up on the https://mithril.zulipchat.com/
If you want to check out my music projects they are here