Available-for-hire badge built with Koa framework
Copy this code and paste it into README (or README.md) in your project:
Want to use this badge on your website? Here is the HTML version:
<a href="http://hireable.me/p/<username>">
<img src="http://hireable.me/<username>" alt="Is <username> available for hire?" />
is a GitHub username
hireable.me is sponsored by @nguyenph88. Thank you so much for your contribution.
Some of my friends want to embed the employment status into their open-source projects.
But it takes too much time and effort to keep these information up-to-date across your projects.
I thought it would be much cooler to tell people whether you're hireable or not with a badge. Isn't it? 😕
I was too lazy to implement badges/shields specification
No on-the-fly generated badges for now, I guess. They are all pre-generated.
Q: How do you know when I'm hireable?
A: Your GitHub jobs profile -
Q: Cache expiration
A: GitHub has their own image proxy: camo. Hireable caching is flexible, see Configurations
- Customizable styles: Released - v0.2.0
- On-the-fly badges: Not implemented. See #3 (comment).
- Download the latest release here
# Unzip
unzip hireable-v*.zip -d hireable && cd hireable
# Dependencies
npm install --production
# Config. See #configurations
vim .env
# Serve
npm run serve
# Or even better with pm2 or forever
Configurations are defined in .env
# Application port
# Cache expiration in ms. Leave it null or 0 to disable
# Your badge style. Leave it null for `default` style
# GitHub personal access token. See https://github.com/settings/tokens
- C'mon, give it a ⭐. Thank you 😆
git clone https://github.com/hiendv/hireable.git && cd hireable
npm install
cp .env.example .env && vim .env
npm run dev
# Create a release?
npm run build && cd build
npm test
e2e test PRs are welcome!