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fix imports and precision for evaluation #7

fix imports and precision for evaluation

fix imports and precision for evaluation #7

name: CI
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Miniconda
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
miniconda-version: "latest" # or specify a version
auto-activate-base: true
- name: Create Conda Environment
run: |
conda create -n myenv python=3.8 -y
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
conda run -n myenv pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: Install MAFFT
run: |
conda run -n myenv conda install -c bioconda mafft
- name: Verify MAFFT Installation
run: |
conda run -n myenv mafft --version
- name: Run tests
run: |
conda run -n myenv coverage run -m unittest discover -s tests
conda run -n myenv coverage report