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Abstraction for blockio-style file operations
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Changes include:
* Add an abstract API that captures the file
operations from `blockio-uring`.
* Implementations of this for three different
operating systems: Linux, MacOS, or Windows. The
Linux implementation uses `blockio-uring` and
benefits from async IO. MacOS and Windows use a
simple implementation that performs file I/O
sequentially instead of in asynchronous batches.
* Implement a basic roundtrip test for the API.
  • Loading branch information
jorisdral committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent fa4d934 commit cec31fa
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Showing 11 changed files with 370 additions and 20 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/haskell.yml
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Expand Up @@ -26,8 +26,14 @@ jobs:
cabal: [""]
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macOS-latest]
- os: windows-latest
- os: macOS-latest
- ghc: "9.4.8"
os: windows-latest
- ghc: "9.4.8"
os: macOS-latest
- ghc: "9.8.1"
os: windows-latest
- ghc: "9.8.1"
os: macOS-latest

- name: Checkout repository
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -16,4 +16,6 @@ It has a number of custom features that are primarily tailored towards performan

## System requirements

This library only supports 64-bit, little-endian systems.
This library only supports 64-bit, little-endian systems.

Use -threaded if you depend on this library in Linux
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions cabal.project
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Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ source-repository-package
-- Luckily, bloomfilter is not commonly used package, so this is good enough.
constraints: bloomfilter <0

type: git
tag: bdac50eb4155ea3096b1db9b828307f4fd19ddb3
type: git
tag: bdac50eb4155ea3096b1db9b828307f4fd19ddb3
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions fs-api-blockio/src-linux/System/FS/BlockIO/Internal.hs
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module System.FS.BlockIO.Internal (
, I.IOCtxParams (..)
, I.defaultIOCtxParams
, I.initIOCtx
, I.closeIOCtx
, submitIO
) where

import System.FS.API (Handle (..))
import System.FS.BlockIO.API (IOOp (..), IOResult (..))
import System.FS.IO.Internal
import System.FS.IO.Internal.Handle
import qualified System.IO.BlockIO as I
import System.Posix.Types

submitIO :: I.IOCtx -> [IOOp FHandle] -> IO [IOResult]
submitIO ioctx ioops = do
ioops' <- mapM fIOOp ioops
fmap fIOResult <$> I.submitIO ioctx ioops'

fIOOp :: IOOp FHandle -> IO I.IOOp
fIOOp (IOOpRead h off bufptr c) = handleFD h >>= \fd -> pure (I.IOOpRead fd off bufptr c)
fIOOp (IOOpWrite h off bufptr c) = handleFD h >>= \fd -> pure (I.IOOpWrite fd off bufptr c)

-- TODO: complete pragma
fIOResult :: I.IOResult -> IOResult
fIOResult (I.IOResult c) = IOResult c
fIOResult (I.IOError e) = IOError e
fIOResult _ = error "mapIOResult: missing incomplete pragma"

-- This only checks whether the handle is open when we convert to an Fd. After
-- that, the handle could be closed when we're still performing blockio
-- operations.
handleFD :: Handle FHandle -> IO Fd
handleFD h = withOpenHandle "submitIO" (handleRaw h) pure
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions fs-api-blockio/src-macos/System/FS/BlockIO/Internal.hs
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module System.FS.BlockIO.Internal (
, IOCtxParams (..)
, defaultIOCtxParams
, initIOCtx
, closeIOCtx
, submitIO
) where

import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import System.FS.API
import System.FS.BlockIO.API (ByteCount, FileOffset, IOOp (..),
IOResult (IOResult_))
import System.FS.IO.Internal
import System.FS.IO.Internal.Handle
import System.Posix.IO.ByteString.Ext

-- TODO: use something like an MVar to keep track of open/closed state
data IOCtx = IOCtx

data IOCtxParams = IOCtxParams

defaultIOCtxParams :: IOCtxParams
defaultIOCtxParams = IOCtxParams

initIOCtx :: IOCtxParams -> IO IOCtx
initIOCtx IOCtxParams = pure IOCtx

closeIOCtx :: IOCtx -> IO ()
closeIOCtx IOCtx = pure ()

submitIO :: IOCtx -> [IOOp FHandle] -> IO [IOResult]
submitIO IOCtx = mapM fIOOp

-- TODO: catch exceptions and rethrow them as IOResult_
fIOOp :: IOOp FHandle -> IO IOResult
fIOOp (IOOpRead h off bufptr c) =
preadBuf h bufptr c off >>= \c' -> pure (IOResult_ $ fromIntegral c')
fIOOp (IOOpWrite h off bufptr c) =
pwriteBuf h bufptr c off >>= \c' -> pure (IOResult_ $ fromIntegral c')

-- TODO: possibly upstream to fs-api
preadBuf :: Handle FHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> ByteCount -> FileOffset -> IO ByteCount
preadBuf fh bufptr c off = withOpenHandle "preadBuf" (handleRaw fh) $ \h -> fdPreadBuf h bufptr c off

-- TODO: possibly upstream to fs-api
pwriteBuf :: Handle FHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> ByteCount -> FileOffset -> IO ByteCount
pwriteBuf fh bufptr c off = withOpenHandle "pwriteBuf" (handleRaw fh) $ \h -> fdPwriteBuf h bufptr c off
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions fs-api-blockio/src-windows/System/FS/BlockIO/Internal.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
-- TODO: unify with the implementation for MacOS, since the implementation is
-- the same except for 'preadBuf' and 'pwriteBuf'.
module System.FS.BlockIO.Internal (
, IOCtxParams (..)
, defaultIOCtxParams
, initIOCtx
, closeIOCtx
, submitIO
) where

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import System.FS.API
import System.FS.BlockIO.API (ByteCount, FileOffset, IOOp (..),
IOResult (IOResult_))
import System.FS.IO.Internal
import System.FS.IO.Internal.Handle
import System.Win32

-- TODO: use something like an MVar to keep track of open/closed state
data IOCtx = IOCtx

data IOCtxParams = IOCtxParams

defaultIOCtxParams :: IOCtxParams
defaultIOCtxParams = IOCtxParams

initIOCtx :: IOCtxParams -> IO IOCtx
initIOCtx IOCtxParams = pure IOCtx

closeIOCtx :: IOCtx -> IO ()
closeIOCtx IOCtx = pure ()

submitIO :: IOCtx -> [IOOp FHandle] -> IO [IOResult]
submitIO IOCtx = mapM fIOOp

-- TODO: catch exceptions and rethrow them as IOResult_
fIOOp :: IOOp FHandle -> IO IOResult
fIOOp (IOOpRead h off bufptr c) =
preadBuf h bufptr c off >>= \c' -> pure (IOResult_ $ fromIntegral c')
fIOOp (IOOpWrite h off bufptr c) =
pwriteBuf h bufptr c off >>= \c' -> pure (IOResult_ $ fromIntegral c')

-- TODO: copied from fs-api
getCurrentFileOffset :: HANDLE -> IO Int64
getCurrentFileOffset h = setFilePointerEx h 0 fILE_CURRENT

-- TODO: possibly upstream to fs-api
preadBuf :: Handle FHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> ByteCount -> FileOffset -> IO ByteCount
preadBuf fh bufptr c off = withOpenHandle "preadBuf" (handleRaw fh) $ \h -> do
initialOffset <- getCurrentFileOffset h
_ <- setFilePointerEx h (fromIntegral off) fILE_BEGIN
n <- fromIntegral <$> win32_ReadFile h bufptr (fromIntegral c) Nothing
_ <- setFilePointerEx h initialOffset fILE_BEGIN
return n

-- TODO: possibly upstream to fs-api
pwriteBuf :: Handle FHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> ByteCount -> FileOffset -> IO ByteCount
pwriteBuf fh bufptr c off = withOpenHandle "pwriteBuf" (handleRaw fh) $ \h -> do
initialOffset <- getCurrentFileOffset h
_ <- setFilePointerEx h (fromIntegral off) fILE_BEGIN
n <- fromIntegral <$> win32_WriteFile h bufptr (fromIntegral c) Nothing
_ <- setFilePointerEx h initialOffset fILE_BEGIN
return n
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions fs-api-blockio/src/System/FS/BlockIO/API.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module System.FS.BlockIO.API (
SomeHasBlockIO (..)
, HasBlockIO (..)
, IOOp (..)
, IOResult (IOResult, IOError)
, ByteCount
, FileOffset
, Errno (..)
-- Internal
, pattern IOResult_
) where

import Data.Word
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Ptr
import System.FS.API
import System.Posix.Types

data SomeHasBlockIO m where
SomeHasBlockIO ::
Eq h
=> HasFS m h
-> HasBlockIO m h ioctxparams ioctx
-> SomeHasBlockIO m

-- TODO: see if we can get away with monomorphising @ioctxparams@
-- TODO: make this compatible with fs-sim simulation
data HasBlockIO m h ioctxparams ioctx = HasBlockIO {
defaultIOCtxParams :: ioctxparams
, initIOCtx :: ioctxparams -> m ioctx
, closeIOCtx :: ioctx -> m ()
, submitIO :: ioctx -> [IOOp h] -> m [IOResult]

data IOOp h = IOOpRead !(Handle h) !FileOffset !(Ptr Word8) !ByteCount
| IOOpWrite !(Handle h) !FileOffset !(Ptr Word8) !ByteCount
deriving Show

newtype IOResult = IOResult_ CInt

{-# COMPLETE IOResult, IOError #-}

pattern IOResult :: ByteCount -> IOResult
pattern IOResult c <- (viewIOResult -> Just c)
IOResult count = IOResult_ ((fromIntegral :: CSize -> CInt) count)

pattern IOError :: Errno -> IOResult
pattern IOError e <- (viewIOError -> Just e)
IOError (Errno e) = IOResult_ (-e)

viewIOResult :: IOResult -> Maybe ByteCount
viewIOResult (IOResult_ c)
| c >= 0 = Just ((fromIntegral :: CInt -> CSize) c)
| otherwise = Nothing

viewIOError :: IOResult -> Maybe Errno
viewIOError (IOResult_ e)
| e < 0 = Just (Errno e)
| otherwise = Nothing
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions fs-api-blockio/src/System/FS/BlockIO/IO.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module System.FS.BlockIO.IO (
, I.IOCtx
, I.IOCtxParams (..)
) where

import System.FS.BlockIO.API
import qualified System.FS.BlockIO.Internal as I
import System.FS.IO

ioHasBlockIO :: HasBlockIO IO HandleIO I.IOCtxParams I.IOCtx
ioHasBlockIO = HasBlockIO {
defaultIOCtxParams = I.defaultIOCtxParams
, initIOCtx = I.initIOCtx
, closeIOCtx = I.closeIOCtx
, submitIO = I.submitIO
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions fs-api-blockio/test/Main.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

{- HLINT ignore "Use camelCase" -}

module Main (main) where

import Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BSU
import Foreign (castPtr)
import qualified System.FS.API as FS
import System.FS.BlockIO.API
import qualified System.FS.BlockIO.IO as IO
import qualified System.FS.IO as IO
import System.IO.Temp
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "fs-api-blockio" [
testCase "example_initClose" example_initClose
, testProperty "prop_readWrite" prop_readWrite

instance Arbitrary ByteString where
arbitrary = BS.pack <$> arbitrary
shrink = fmap BS.pack . shrink . BS.unpack

example_initClose :: Assertion
example_initClose = do
let !hbio = IO.ioHasBlockIO
ctx <- initIOCtx hbio (defaultIOCtxParams hbio)
closeIOCtx hbio ctx

prop_readWrite :: ByteString -> Property
prop_readWrite bs = ioProperty $ withSystemTempDirectory "prop_readWrite" $ \dirPath -> do
let hfs = IO.ioHasFS (FS.MountPoint dirPath)
hbio = IO.ioHasBlockIO
!bsCopy = BS.copy bs
ctx <- initIOCtx hbio (defaultIOCtxParams hbio)
prop <- FS.withFile hfs (FS.mkFsPath ["temp"]) (FS.WriteMode FS.MustBeNew) $ \h -> do
BSU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, n) -> do
[writeRes] <- submitIO hbio ctx [IOOpWrite h 0 (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral n)]
let writeTest = case writeRes of
IOError e -> counterexample (show e) (property False)
IOResult m -> n === fromIntegral m
[readRes] <- submitIO hbio ctx [IOOpRead h 0 (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral n)]
let readTest = case readRes of
IOError e -> counterexample (show e) (property False)
IOResult m -> n === fromIntegral m
pure $ writeTest .&&. readTest
closeIOCtx hbio ctx
pure (prop .&&. bs === bsCopy)

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