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Intersect Training Theme

This repository is intended to be a master repository for managing site layout and styling for training courses.

Key features:

  • Support for multiple courses in one repository
  • Responsive design using Bootstrap
  • Support for various types of code blocks, hidden text, and callouts
  • Automated outline of course structures
  • Easy customisation of look and feel through Sassy css

See the rendered site for more information and detailed documentation:


With the exception of logos (which are copyright Intersect Australia Ltd), this theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


To use this site in github pages:

  1. Create a new repository and enable GitHub pages.
  2. Copy the content of _config.yml in this repository to a _config.yml file in your own repository. Update it to reflect your own needs. Note that if you use the master branch/docs folder as your source, the yml file should be in /docs, if not it should be in the root of the repository.
  3. Add the following to your _config.yml file (update the version tag to be the latest version number)
remote_theme: IntersectAustralia/[email protected]

Note that while you don't have to specify a version, it is highly recommended. 4. Create your own image files to use in the header and footer of the page and place them in the following location:

  • assets/logos/company_logo.png
  • assets/logos/sub-brand.png
  • assets/logos/favicon.png
  1. Add your markdown files and commit them to your repository. You should have at least an file in the GitHub pages source directory. View the documentation on the rendered site to find more information.
  2. GitHub pages will build your site on every commit, so just visit the rendered site to see the theme at work.

Previewing Locally

The easiest way to preview your changes before publishing is to preview locally. To do this.

  1. Install Jekyll. The rest of these instructions assume you are using Bundler as preferred by the Jekyll documentation.
  2. Clone your repository locally
  3. Install the jekyll-remote-theme gem following the instructions here
  4. Build all required gems: bundle install
  5. Serve the site locally from the site root directory: bundle exec jekyll serve.