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11. Exception Structure

Tim Berthold edited this page Jul 28, 2021 · 1 revision

The messaging-services can return many different exceptions. Following is a list of the most important exceptions and their meanings:

Exception Since Version Service-Module (Domain) Interpretation
ConfigUpdateException Core (Configuration) Exception that is thrown, when an error occurs while trying to change the configuration.
ClaimsException Core (DAPS) Exception that gets thrown, if errors occur while validating a DAT token.
ConnectorMissingCertExtensionException Core (DAPS) Exception that is thrown, when an Extension (aki, ski) of the cert is missing. -> DAPS Token can not be acquired.
DapsConnectionException Core (DAPS) Exception is thrown if communication to the DAPS fails. For example, if the DAPS URL is incorrect or other connection problems to the DAPS occur. -> DAPS Token can not be acquired.
DapsEmptyResponseException Core (DAPS) Exception which is thrown when the Response from the DAPS is empty and can't be processed further. -> DAPS Token can not be acquired.
DapsTokenManagerException Core (DAPS) Superclass of ConnectorMissingCertExtensionException, DapsConnectionException and DapsEmptyResponseException. Can be caught instead of them. -> DAPS Token can not be acquired.
ValidationRuleException Core (DAPS) Custom Validation rules exception, exception which is thrown by custom DatValidationRule evaluation.
MessageBuilderException Messaging (Sending Message) An exception that is thrown if building an IDS-Message with the given information threw a ConstraintViolationException (catches builders RuntimeException).
SerializeException Messaging (Sending Message) An exception that is thrown if serializing a message using the IDS-Serializer threw an IOException. Could indicate missing required message-fields.
URISyntaxException Messaging (Sending Message) If the URL of the target is not a valid URI.
SendMessageException Messaging (Sending Message) If sending the IDS-Request returns an IOException. Recipient not reachable or other further problems.
PreDispatchingFilterException Messaging (Receiving Message) Exception that is thrown when an error occurs during preprocessing of incoming headers with a PreDispatchingFilter. In PRODUCTIVE_DEPLOYMENT this would be for example the check of the DAT of the incoming message, which can report an error.
DeserializeException Messaging (Receiving Message) An exception that is thrown if deserializing a message using the IDS-Serializer threw an IOException. Could indicate a non-valid IDS-Message.
ShaclValidatorException Messaging (Receiving Message) SHACL-Validation, received message header does not conform to IDS-Infomodel and did not pass SHACL-Validation. (SHACL-Validation can be truned off)
UnknownResponseException Messaging (Receiving Message) An exception that is thrown during converting an IDS-Response into a corresponding Object if no possible cast found. Could indicate a new unknown IDS-Message-Type. Error which is caused internally, but is passed on.
UnexpectedResponseException Messaging (Receiving Message) An exception that is thrown after converting a Response into the corresponding Object if the received response-type is not expected as a response to the request send.

Furthermore, there are exceptions, such as the IOException, which are used for all other error cases that are not specific to the messaging-services.

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