A bot that automatically opens a new thread for every message in a channel.
You can either:
use the prebuilt docker-images on the Dockerhub or built it yourself with the Dockerfile in this repo and start the bot with the docker-compose.yml in this repository
just run the index.js with node directly
For both options you need a running mongodb instance and set the environment variables set either directly with for example docker-compose or in the .env file.
- TOKEN: this is the bot-token that you copy from the discord developer-portal
- CLIENTID: the id of the created bot, right-click on the bot in discord with developer mode enabled and then press "Copy ID"
- GUILDID: if you want your commands to only be valid on a specific server then copy the put the id here, right-click on the server in discord with developer mode enabled and then press "Copy ID", if not present then the commands will work everywhere
- DBCONNECT: the connection string for your mongodb instance
After that execute the deploy-commands.js script with node either directly in youre shell or inside of the docker-container with "docker exec -it mycontainer node /usr/src/app/src/deploy-commands.js".
- /enable
enables autothreading in the channel where the command is used
- /disable
disables autothreading in the channel where the command is used
- /listchannels
lists all autothreading channels on the server
- a standard mongodb instance
- run deploy-commands.js once
- a registered discord application
Made by Knniff under the MIT-License.