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NotMyFault edited this page May 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

This page purely discusses how to emulate vanilla portal behaviour. If you want custom portals with custom behaviour, we highly recommend that you use Advanced Portals. It has been tested with Hyperverse, and it is a wonderful plugin

Hyperverse allows you to link nether and end portals between different worlds, to emulate the vanilla behaviour of these portals.

This is done using flags. Namely, the nether and end flags. The values of the flags are the worlds to which the respective portals are linked. To make the nether and end portals from world A point to world B, set nether and end to B respectively.

Linking world A to B does not mean that world B is linked to world A. This means that world A can link its portals to world B, and world B can link its portals to some other world C.

To summarize, let's say you have a world named world and a world named world_nether, and you want the nether portals in these worlds to be linked. To achieve this, use the following commands:

  • /hyperverse flag set world nether world_nether
  • /hyperverse flag set world_nether nether world