What's Changed
- Update notebooks pip commands by @johnbradley in #22
- Makes synopsis in the README more descriptive by @hlapp in #24
- Allows specifying top k results for custom class list by @hlapp in #31
- Adds ability to provide other OpenCLIP models and checkpoints by @hlapp in #33
- Create CITATION.cff by @johnbradley in #25
- Add automated testing config by @johnbradley in #36
- Add --cls-file to predict command by @johnbradley in #37
- Enable torch.load weights_only=True by @johnbradley in #38
- Adds Dockerfile + release container building by @johnbradley in #40
- Add README link to custom model documentation by @johnbradley in #42
- Add apptainer support by @johnbradley in #41
- Update container README links and fix Apptainer push by @johnbradley in #44
- Update version to 1.1.0 by @johnbradley in #46
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0