Webhosting company provide customer support via emil. They record reply waiting time, type of question, category and service. To improve customer satisfaction, they need analytical tool to evaluate these data.
Company provide 10 different service, each with 3 variations. Questions are divided into 10
types, each can belong to 20 categories, a category can have 5 sub categories.
First line contains count S (<= 100.000) of all lines.
Every line starts with character C (waiting time line) or D (query)
C service_id[.variation_id] question_type_id[.category_id.[sub-category_id]] P/N date time
Values in square brackets are optional. Service 9.1 represent service 9 of variation 1. Question
type 7.14.4 represent question type 7 category 14 and sub-category 4. Response type ‘P’ (first
answer) or ‘N’ (next answer). Response date format is DD.MM.RRRR, for example 27.11.2012
(27.november 2012). Time in minutes represent waiting time.
Similarly query line:
D service_id[.variation_id] question_type_id[.category_id.[sub-category_id]] P/N date_from[-date_to]
Represent query, it print out average waiting time of all records matching specific criterias.
service_id and question_type can have special value “*”, it means query match all
services/question types. In case of value “*”, no service variation nor service
category/sub-category can be specified.
Query line of type ‘D’ print out average waiting time rounded to minutes. Only matching lines
defined before query line are counted. It print out “-” if output is not defined.
C 1.1 8.15.1 P 15.10.2012 83
C 1 10.1 P 01.12.2012 65
C 1.1 5.5.1 P 01.11.2012 117
D 1.1 8 P 01.01.2012-01.12.2012
C 3 10.2 N 02.10.2012 100
D 1 * P 8.10.2012-20.11.2012
D 3 10 P 01.12.2012
1.query at line 5, is valid only for 1. data line, because others has different question type. First
data line has question type 8.15.1 which match with query of question type 8.
2.queryis valid only for 1. and 3. data lines, 2. data line not matching date filter., and 4.data line
has different response type (D). Result is 83+117/2
3.query doesn’t match any data line, therefore result is “-”
Solution must be optimized for readability, flexibility and good maintenance of source code. You can choose PHP or Java language, without external libraries.