- 📛 Hi, I'm Ichimaki Kasura.
- 🌏 I live in Manila, Philippines.
- 📖 I Can speak English, Tagalog and very little 日本語.
- 📖 Still learning 日本語.
- 🌟 Wanna be a Full-stack Developer, a Game Developer or Senior Programmer but I'm lazy so yeah I have too much high expectation on myself lmao I'd rather call my self a junior programmer.
- 📬How to Reach or Contact me?
Email me: [email protected]
Yoh, now why might you be looking for me, hm? Oh, you didn't know?
I'm the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Hu Tao.
Though by the looks of you...
Radiant glow, healthy posture...
Yes, you're definitely here for something other than that which falls
within my regular line of work, aren't you?
![NhentaiApp [Unofficial]](/IchimakiKasura/IchimakiKasura/raw/main/img/NhentaiApp.png)
Other Repositories:
KasuNhentaiCS | JsonDeserializer
Other ones that I used but not really mastered or good with:
(some are not really a language)
Language Stats:
Ichimaki-kun at your funeral service.
![Hutao at your funeral Service](/IchimakiKasura/IchimakiKasura/raw/main/img/Profile Picture.png)