A threshold brush that draws pixels only within the specified threshold low and high range.
Notice how it only draws on the bone which is in a threshold range of 200 to 1000. and If I attempt to draw on other pixels outside of that range, nothing gets drawn.
Below is a live demo of the threshold brush tool, in the demo the threshold range is set to [200, 1000]
$ npm i cornerstonetools-thresholdbrush
import ThresholdBrush from "cornerstonetools-thresholdbrush";
cornerstoneTools.addToolForElement(element, ThresholdBrush, {configuration: {thresholdLow: 200 , thresholdHigh: 1000}});
cornerstoneTools.setToolActive("ThresholdBrush", { mouseButtonMask: 1 });
You can modify the threshold low an threshold high configuration on the fly like the following
let brushThreshold = cornerstoneTools.store.state.tools.filter(tool => tool.name == 'ThresholdBrush')[0].configuration
brushThreshold.thresholdLow = -29
brushThreshold.thresholdHigh = 150
Left Psoas : [-29, 150]
Right Psoas : [-29, 150]
Muscle : [-29, 150]
Sub Fat : [-190, -30]
Vis Fat : [-190, -30]
Bone : [200, 1000]