The ISB CA is a separately maintained fork of the EJBCA Community CA maintanined by IS Blocks Ltd
The recommended stack for the ISB CA is:
- JDK 17
- Ubuntu 18, 20 or 22
- Maria DB
- KeyCloak 22
In addition to the rich community features the ISB CA offers the following:
- External VA support through ISB Apache Kafka plugin
- Support for ED25519 algorithms
- Integrity protected audit logging
To get started with ISB CA, clone isblocks-java-pki and install it, see EJBCA Installation.
In addition to the instructions above, the EJBCA_HOSTNAME and EJBCA_PORTNUMBER are requried variables
For example: EJBCA_PORT=443
Where the EJBCA_HOSTNAME represents the actual FQDN where the CA can be reached and the EJBCA_PORTNUMBER represents the HTTPS port number.
Commercial support is available from IS Blocks Ltd. Contact us for more details
ISB CA is licensed under the LGPL license and thus compliant with the original licence as published by Keyfactor, please see LICENSE.
IS Blocks does not have any relationship with Keyfactor