Various mapping functions mostly written in Matlab/Octave (but Python equivalent will come): DEM manipulation, SRTM automatic download, topographic maps, coordinates convert and paths, ...
Download/read NASA SRTM worldwide topographic data files (.HGT).
Shaded relief image plot for digital elevation models.
Automatic geolocation map (other repository).
Import ESRI BIL raster binary files.
Import and export ESRI/Arcinfo and GS/Surfer ASCII or binary GRD DEM files.
2-D optimized linear interpolation to fill gaps in a grid (other repository).
Latitude/longitude to and from UTM coordinates precise and vectorized conversion.
Shortest and rhumb line path, distance and bearing.
Radio link coverage map.
Compass rose plot.
Generalized 2-D arrows plot.
Polarized color map.
François Beauducel, IPGP, beaudu, [email protected]
All functions contain in-line help for syntax and examples.