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MK for Variant annotation using VEP

In this MK users can annotate VCF files using Variant Effect Predictor

Its necessary to previously have installed VEP databases. The MK annotation will generate a TSV file having the biological information listed at the end.

For this MK:

targets/ VCF files to annotate
results/ TAB sep files with annotation
results/ summary of variants for each file

Annotations added:

  1. Uploaded_variation : Identifier of uploaded variant
  2. Location : Location of variant in standard coordinate format (chr:start or chr:start-end)
  3. Allele : The variant allele used to calculate the consequence
  4. Gene : Stable ID of affected gene
  5. Feature : Stable ID of feature
  6. Feature_type : Type of feature - Transcript, RegulatoryFeature or MotifFeature
  7. Consequence : Consequence type
  8. cDNA_position : Relative position of base pair in cDNA sequence
  9. CDS_position : Relative position of base pair in coding sequence
  10. Protein_position : Relative position of amino acid in protein
  11. Amino_acids : Reference and variant amino acids
  12. Codons : Reference and variant codon sequence
  13. Existing_variation : Identifier(s) of co-located known variants
  14. IMPACT : Subjective impact classification of consequence type
  15. DISTANCE : Shortest distance from variant to transcript
  16. STRAND : Strand of the feature (1/-1)
  17. FLAGS : Transcript quality flags
  18. PICK : Indicates if this consequence has been picked as the most severe
  19. SYMBOL : Gene symbol (e.g. HGNC)
  20. SYMBOL_SOURCE : Source of gene symbol
  21. HGNC_ID : Stable identifer of HGNC gene symbol
  22. CANONICAL : Indicates if transcript is canonical for this gene
  23. SWISSPROT : UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot accession
  24. TREMBL : UniProtKB/TrEMBL accession
  25. UNIPARC : UniParc accession
  26. GENE_PHENO : Indicates if gene is associated with a phenotype, disease or trait
  27. SIFT : SIFT prediction and/or score
  28. PolyPhen : PolyPhen prediction and/or score
  29. EXON : Exon number(s) / total
  30. INTRON : Intron number(s) / total
  31. HGVSc : HGVS coding sequence name
  32. HGVSp : HGVS protein sequence name
  33. HGVS_OFFSET : Indicates by how many bases the HGVS notations for this variant have been shifted
  34. AF : Frequency of existing variant in 1000 Genomes combined population
  35. AFR_AF : Frequency of existing variant in 1000 Genomes combined African population
  36. AMR_AF : Frequency of existing variant in 1000 Genomes combined American population
  37. EAS_AF : Frequency of existing variant in 1000 Genomes combined East Asian population
  38. EUR_AF : Frequency of existing variant in 1000 Genomes combined European population
  39. SAS_AF : Frequency of existing variant in 1000 Genomes combined South Asian population
  40. ExAC_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC combined population
  41. ExAC_Adj_AF : Adjusted frequency of existing variant in ExAC combined population
  42. ExAC_AFR_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC African/American population
  43. ExAC_AMR_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC American population
  44. ExAC_EAS_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC East Asian population
  45. ExAC_FIN_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC Finnish population
  46. ExAC_NFE_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC Non-Finnish European population
  47. ExAC_OTH_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC combined other combined populations
  48. ExAC_SAS_AF : Frequency of existing variant in ExAC South Asian population
  49. CLIN_SIG : ClinVar clinical significance of the dbSNP variant
  50. SOMATIC : Somatic status of existing variant
  51. PHENO : Indicates if existing variant(s) is associated with a phenotype, disease or trait; multiple values correspond to multiple variants
  52. MOTIF_NAME : The source and identifier of a transcription factor binding profile (TFBP) aligned at this position
  53. MOTIF_POS : The relative position of the variation in the aligned TFBP
  54. HIGH_INF_POS : A flag indicating if the variant falls in a high information position of the TFBP
  55. MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE : The difference in motif score of the reference and variant sequences for the TFBP


MK for Variant annotation using VEP






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