vim-Freshfox is a Vim plugin that automates page reloading with Firefox.
Originally, this plugin was ment to be used with vimtex since the it can't refresh the pdf rendered by firefox. But vim-Freshfox can be used without.
The pluging works by calling an executable who's a compiled ahk script. This script select the Firefox window, refresh it by sending the F5 key and select back the original window.
(it also work with firefox dev)
Just add this repo to your plugin manager.
Using Lazy:
" Lazy.nvim
To configure vim-Freshfox to auto reload after vimtex autocompiled ad this to your config:
" Lazy.nvim
config = function()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'VimtexEventCompileSuccess',
callback = require('vim-Freshfox').refresh,
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('vimtex_refresh_firefox', {clear = true})
Although I would recomand loading it from an other file like:
config = function()
local Freshfox = require('vim-Freshfox')
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'VimtexEventCompileSuccess',
callback = Freshfox.refresh,
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('vimtex_refresh_firefox', {clear = true})
Out of the box, vim-Freshfox provide three function:
This command doesn't take any parametres, it simply refresh the browser page.
This command will start auto refresh on buffer save. It accepts file type as parameters If no parameter is passed to the command vim-Freshfox will reload for every file type.
As an exemple:
:Freshfox *.lua text *.tex
This command doesn't take any parameters. It deregister the event to stop the auto refresh